Three years later...

After three years…..

"Ahh…..dear. You look tired" Jean teased as she saw Helen coming out of the elevator. 

Two years back, Shawn (Scott's brother) and Helen (INA'S temporary CEO) got married. 

Now, she is three months pregnant. 

Whereas Jean and Scott decided to take some time before conceiving another child. 

Their little hurricane…who is now three years old is enough for them to keep them busy. 

Honestly, she never thought Jason would be this naughty kid. He really inherited this from Scott. 

"Well, blame Shawn. He didn't let me sleep" Helen answered as she yawned and sat down. 

Jean chuckled and served her a herbal tea to Helen, which she is drinking now. 

"Wait for another one month. When this cure bump gets even more noticeable your husband will not leave you till he ravish you thoroughly" Jean teased as she remembered her days when she is pregnant.