Jean's birthday.

Today is Jean's birthday and she is in her end of fifth month. 

Due to twins, her stomach was swollen and huge. 

"Happy Birthday Honey" Scott whispered into her ears five minutes before twelve in the midnight as he bit her earlobe 

They just completed their love making and Jean is lying on Scott's body….dead tired yet blissful. 

Jason is having sleep over with all of his cousins who have came to Jean's birthday with their parents. 

Well, Jean doesn't know that everyone came. She is still in the thought that her son is obediently sleeping in his room. As she is pregnant and restricted from getting out of bed by her dear husband, she didn't think there would be any birthday celebrations for her. 

Even if it will be there, she thought it would be simple. And, she was okay with that. 

"It's bot twelve yet" Jean answered in return making Scott chuckle.