16 Noisy.

A piercing scream rang through the morning, and as the curtain of night lifted, the stars dimmed and the moon revolved once again, turning the sun on full blast onto the Xue courtyard.

Under the bright sunlight, Xue Xuanfen, the eldest miss of the Xue family's main branch, stirred, yawning, yet abruptly stopping as she vigilantly started looking at her surroundings, nervously flickering her eyes around. Just then, her sight became slightly better after she rubbed her eyes, her petite face tired and weary.

However, the first thing she saw was elders looking at her in disapproval and disappointment, confusion spreading throughout her mind.

'What's with those disgusted looking eyes?'

'Why is my bedroom so weird?'

'Actually... Why is the bed so hard?'

She groped the ground, only to find that it was hard and had quite a bit of moisture.

Looking down, she found her vision filled with white skin, but yet when she looked beneath that, she was met with endless patches of green, dewy grass, an oak tree right beside her, and a men's clothes right beside her.

The first thing that woke Xuanmei up was Xuanfen's scream, which resounded and landed into her ears.


Ming jumped on her bed, tail curling up, fur as white as snow.

"You caused her to be like that, can't you have at least some sympathy?"

Xuanmei shrugged, she really didn't care. All that she knew, was that whoever caused her harm, was not going to get away scott free.

She lazily got dressed and sauntered slowly to her eldest sister, who was panicking in the garden after a 'good night's rest,' bringing with her, Ming, who sat on her shoulders.

After seeing her, Xue Xuanfen immediately went crazy, pointing at her youngest sister and yelling like a shrew, saying something like, "You caused me harm," or "My hard earned reputation, the face and image I built up! All tarnished by you, you... You slut!"

Seeing her pathetic and miserable state, Xuanmei laughed coldly in her heart, yet pulling off a pitiful look in front of the captive 'audience'.

Eldest Sister, please do not blame Youngest sister for being mean. This is your retribution and a reminder for you to stay away and know when not to foil my plans, after all.

Eyeing the men's clothes on the floor and her Elder sister's lack of clothing, she hesitantly stuttered,

"Eldest sister... What happened? Are... Are you... A b-broken flower, withered Willow* now?"

Hearing that, Xuanfen was enraged, and charged straight towards Xuanmei like a cat, fingernails, like the teeth of a tiger, were bared towards the petite maiden. Looking like an uncultured country bumpkin, Xuanfen smiled sinisterly.

'Since you enraged me, I'll remove your most precious asset,' Xuanfen thought, her maliciousness eyes glancing at the girl, studying her from her toes. Killing intent directed at Xuanmei, her throat producing a low growl as her eyes reached her face.

"Your looks, truly too much like a vixen. How about I take care of that for you, youngest sister?"

Xuanfen lunged at Xuanmei, fully intent on piercing, scratching and ruining her looks forever, rejecting the possibility of Xuanmei having already thought about her actions and having made a plan.

*(败柳残花) Broken flower, Withered Willow; A lady that has fallen from grace. (Basically, women who have lost their virginity.)