31 Too long

"Aw, sorry. Three year olds don't go onto the battlefield. If you fight, you fight to the death. Rather death than humiliation! Lay down your life instead of your pride as a man. However, since you don't understand that..."

Yu smiled sadistically.

Purple energy surrounded the meat cleaver, changing into a kitchen knife.

"Aren't you just not men at all?"

Duplicates of the knife was made with, surprisingly, sharp water, and sent into their regions, completely castrating* them.

Blood had flown everywhere at this point, the stench of the metallic smelling blood filling the air, and the sight of red everywhere would make even the strongest of people puke.

As agonizing screams rang out, Yu dusted her hands off and yawned, walking away.

"Sorry, yeah? It was getting a bit too long."

Xuanmei nodded, "It seems like saying 'yeah' is a bit of a habit of yours?"

"Um*. Well, let's talk business. Your seal... What do you need to unseal the next level?"

"The two toed frog and ply tree sap."


"It's in the sea and beyond the sea. The ply tree sap's beyond the sea, in the elf continent, as there's special gear to harvest it. In this continent, it's too hot, and the sap disintegrate. The frog is in the sea."

Sighing, Yu planned and concluded, "We'll get your element first, then travel across the sea."

Nodding in agreement, Xuanmei asked, "Well, how do I get my element?"

"Do you know your elements?"

"Fire, Water and Unstable Psychic," The blue pheonix replied from inside Xuanmei's inner world.

Repeating what the pheonix said, Yu slowly nodded, giving her a pill.

"Teach her the formula, Blue."

Xuanmei felt the blue pheonix mentally nod as he ushered her in and Yu watched as Xuanmei's corporeal form disappeared slowly, and eventually, vanished without a trace.

"Well, that's my job done for now. Time to report to dear brother, I guess... How troublesome..."

"Baize, you may come out now."

"Yes, Liu Eldest miss."

"Tell my brother to get ready three of each rank of cultivation pills, ranking one through three."

"Yes, Liu Eldest Miss."

*Castration: The removal of the male part of a male animal or man.

*"那个" (nèi ge) is to fill a pause. It's the equivalent to "Um, uh, er, that is, that one,"

*Corporeal form, when used literally, means the physical existence of something. There's the idea of "you" as a self-aware entity or a soul that defines how you will behave and react, which nobody can see or touch directly; and then there's yourcorporeal form, which is to say your actual physical body.

TL;DR: So basically what it's saying is that you are split into two;

Your physical body, and your spirit.

So basically your spirit is something that occupies your body as a vessel.

The corporeal body is your physical body and you are able to separate from it and still live, but unfortunately only as a vessel-less soul. (You cannot move objects from the physical plane then)