"If you are not aware, potential is measured by the redness of the strand, while power is measured by the pureness of the element. You need at least seventy five percent purity right now, and at least fifty percent of potential."
The woman then continued on explaining, talking about the criteria in which is supposed to be met if the students wanted to transfer into the Heavenly fire sector within the first year.
"Both of the scoring systems of Potential and Power are out of a hundred percent, two hundred percent in total, and if you reach the criteria, you're in, no matter what status you hold, no matter how poor you may be."
Students' murmuring could be heard throughout the room as everyone discussed and prayed that they would manage to get in. After all, this would be an honour.
Not only was it glorious, but they basically had bragging rights for themselves and their families, and they get to learn something new. The heavenly fire sector here was basically like a worshipped god, after all.
Only one problem though;
How did someone poor even end up here if they had to pay before entering to hand in registration forms?
"We will pay for normal fire element tuition too if you would like to learn it," The lady continued, and everybody in the hall went berserk.
Tuition fees were very expensive in Harias academy. As the crystal clear ball of supposed light was passed around, disappointment flew around the room, groans coming out of many people's mouths.
One came really close to being selected, (A: Why did my autocomplete suggest 'slapping'?) as he was only lacking five percent potential.
"Can you please make an exception? I've tried really hard, and my elemental power's purity itself is over eighty percent!"
Onlookers murmured anxiously, curiously glancing at the teacher who was stopped, ready for him to answer the enroller's question. Would the others have a chance too?
"Sorry, no can do."
The student that was about to be registered into the fire sector due to failing to be in the heavenly fire sector immediately broke into a frown.
"But why? I can work extra hard if needed, I just... My parents really want me to enter, and I really cannot pay for any more tuition and school fees..."
The teacher ignored him as he went on down the line, the soon to be student crying out, only for it to be in vain, sadly moaning about this to anyone who would listen.
Ming seemed unaffected.
"Potential is the most important when teaching a student. It tells you about how they will end up, or if they will at all if you do not spend the effort."
"They probably think the student is not worth teaching or trying to teach at all."
"Well, yeah. They didn't even give him a chance or a reason to try."
"They didn't have to. Your turn is coming up soon."
"Your name is?"
"Your reason for applying to Harias?"
"To learn to use the elements."