Day 5

Date 15/08/20 Time 23:51

I almost forgot to make this but here it is.

So today I went out with some friends to a empty beach and just hung out for 3+ hours as it was 108 today though summer has been lax this year, 108 is a normal summer day everyother year this year we only had 80s with high's of 90, so summer just started to really hit us. anyway the beach was amazing, it was colder and there was a nice breaze, the ocean was cold but after being in for a bit it was ok. At the beach we played frisbee for a hour or so and swam in the sea. when I got home I ate some pizza and watched a movie, read on webnovel and I'm about to go to sleep.

Goodnight, morning or day and if your day is going bad so far try to make the most of it, today my day started out really bad I won't go into it but it ended up great. so just try to make it good if it starts bad. goodbye.