First Meet

Li jing wakes up early morning even though it was a weekend.

Since it was weekend , Li jing was going out with her group of friends, to the Shanghai mountain for hiking . Many youngsters would come with their group for hiking and put up a camp . As the sky gets dark , stars would start glowing and shine brightly. It was the best sky view one could see.

It took them hours to reach their destination . Before starting their hiking , Li jing planned to rest for a while, since they drived for hours.

As they were resting , Five handsome boys came out of Audi Q7. One of Li jing s friend Yu yan, knew one person among five of them . He was Yu chaun ,one of the famous play boy of the city . Yu yan and Yu chaun were Cousins. Both of them were close since childhood. When Yu chaun saw Yu yan, he came forward, hugged her with a surprising expression and greeted her.

Yu chaun was the first to speak .

" Hey , What a pleasent surprise. How are you yan "

"I'm fine chaun . What are you doing here"

"Since it was a weekend my friends planned to go for hiking. By the way what about you,

How come you are here?"

"Same here , we planed to go for a hike !!"

"Oh! That's good ....then lets go together "

" okay.... Ah!! I forgot , these are my friends Liena , Ning xi , Tang xialou , and feng mian."

Li jing was known as Liena since she wanted to hide her identity. only her friends were aware of her identity.

"Hello...nice to meet you all . And these are my friends Mu feng , lu chee, jin liwie and shen yi"

"Hello....."after greeting each other they started their journey.

Along the journey they chatted and got to know about each other . Most of them had different character.

Mu feng spoke only a little , he preserved his words as treasure , he was brilliant , with high iq , and hated women who were clingy.

Shen yi was good in socialising with people , he was quite close to Mu feng than the others.

Lu chee was a silent person , he neither liked nor hated socialising with people. Jin liwie and Yu chaun were completely different from the three of them. They were known as the famous play boy in the city at the young age. They were good at flirting with girls , but they never crossed their lines.

Liena was not good in socialising with strangers , but once she gets close , her mischievous side shows up. Ning xi was nither quite nor talkative, she was kind off normal character. Tang xialou was a silent and studious girl , she would observe her surrounding than speaking . Feng mian and Yu yan were the chatter box , they would never get tired speaking, they were good in seducing boys ,but only for fun. But they never crossed their line.

Liena was busy chatting with ning xi . Feng mian and Yu yan were speaking to jin liwie and Yu chaun. Tang xialou got closer with lu chee , both of them were book worms. Mu feng and shen yi continued their hiking without speaking anything.

After walking for hours they finally reached the top of the mountain. It was already 6 pm .so they planned to put up their tent and continue their journey next day.