Take Responsibility!!

As they were speaking happily all the five girls entered the club. The first person whom Mu feng saw was liena, her face was red, seems like she was teased badly by her friends.

Yan :" hey guys, what were you doing?"

Chaun:" nothing just a guys talk....and What about you, you guys seem to be happy "

Feng mian:"oh.... that's nothing...we just found a love struck puppy"


To cover her embarrassment liena started to drink the cocktail.

As everyone were drinking and dancing together ,liena approached towards Mu feng completely drunk , her mind was not in the right condition. Mu feng was sitting alone not bothering to join his friends, when he saw liena standing infront of him, he understood she was drunk.

Liena:" you...what did you do to me?"

Not understanding what she meant, Mu feng looked at her blankly

Liena:" you...why did you do this to me? Why does my heart race when I see you? Why does my body feel hot when you touch me?why do i become dazed when I see your eyes?Why do I feel the world has stoped when I'm with you ?and..."

Liena screamed loudly, pausing the music, everyone's attention was now on liena

Liena:" hey....you, why did you kiss me without even giving a hint, at least you could have informed me. You bastard I'm not going to leave you, now take responsibility, u stole my first kiss"


Jin liwie:" ki...ki...kiss? did they kiss already? What s going on"

Ning xi:"I really don't know what's happening "

Without caring about the people who were travelling around with stoke wave, Mu feng lifted her and headed out of the bar. He did not want other people to see her face, back then she was really looking cute and adorable. He badly wanted to kiss her devour her.calming his emotions Mu feng took her to her room ,laud her on the bed , took of her shoes and covered her with quilt.

Next day morning, liena woke with a bad headache. She did not sense anything wrong , on her left side table their was a bowl of hangover soup with a note on it'boil the soup and have it when your up. It will ease your headache' after reading the note she didn't know why but warmth filled her heart. Though she could guess none of her friends had a such a beautiful handwriting, she did not sense anything wrong. After taking bath she got ready and went out to have breakfast with her friends.

Evryone were already present their. When they saw they were smiling brightly, it was more like a teasing smile.

Liena:"good morning everyone"

"Very very good morning"

Noticing everyone's gaze towards her she asked" what happened, why are you starring at me like that? "

Feng mian:"liena...don't you remember anything about last night?"

Liena:'mm?....last night?....did anything happen last night? "

Yan:" how can you remember, you were drunk"

Liena :"me...?"

Ning xi:"tsk tsk, let me give you a hint....kissss?"

As soon as she heard ning xi, last night's events started popping out in her mind .after realising what she had done, her face turned crimson red.

She abruptly got up from her seat and spoke sluttering "i..I...I am not feeling well. I..I.. I'll catch y..y..you guys later . Bye" without waiting even for a second, she ran towards her room and closed the door.

Mu feng who saw the whole incident was grinning ear to ear . Even when her face was turned red due to embarrassment, she looked to cute for him. He wanted to tease her a little, he could not wait any longer, when they reach beijing he was going to propose her and make her his.