Utter Flopped ...

He yelled ' cut' and was just about to speak when liena slipped her step , she was able to stand only because ning xi was holding her. . Everyone got worried about their goddess. She looked exhausted, tired. Her expression seem to say She has just experienced death.

The director got worried and asked her with concern

" Liena , are you okay, is everything alright. Are you feeling unwell?"

Just when liena was about to respond, the manager imcharge for props came running

" durecto wang , director wang....something went wrong . Miss liena I'm truly sorry, I'm really really sorry, I dint know how it happened"

" it's fine, I know it's not your fault "

Director wang and the other members were confused . They dint understand why the manager was apologising and what went wrong. Director wang wanted to know everything.

" manager kim, what happened , what went wrong , why are you apologizing liena. Tell me everything " he ordered.

" director wang , I think someone tampered miss lienas prop. "

After listening to the manager director wang was shocked.

" what!....Are you telling the truth, was lienas prop tampered " he yelled.

"Yes director wang. I'm telling the truth. Miss lienas prop was tampered. Our team has checked it thrice to make sure everything was fine , we dint find anything wrong. Everything was perfect . I think someone messed it up when evryone were gone to have their lunch"

" manager kim investigate this. I want to know who was the one who messed it" he ordered. He then turned towards liena and asked worriedly" liena are you alright. How did you do this , the water force was very high"

" I'm fine director wang, thank you.i thought it would ruin the shooting if I panicked. And I'm well trained in swimming , so it was not that tough. I'm sorry director wang , I think I need to rest for few minutes . I need to gain my energy."

" hey , you idiot, how can you do that. Worry about yourself and your health. Stop worrying about the film , your health is more important than that. Liena you can rest even for a week , you don't have to risk your life and why are you apologizing you did not do anything wrong. Now don't do anything and take rest "

" no director wang. I'm alright , I just need ten minutes break , that's all what I need. Please...."

Seeing her pleading like a small child , director gave up" sigh, I have never seen any actor whose so obsessed towards their work. You best , you don't listen to my words only. Okay take an hour break , let's continue your part later"

" Okay director wang..."

Liena headed back to her changing room to change her costume with the help of ning xi.

Once again everyone were amazed by lienas acting and her bravery. Their respects towards her increased still more.

Mu feng and the male lead were still dumbstruck. They still could not come out of the sudden shocking news. Mu feng was still recalling what was happening, trying to understand the situation, then he remembered her message which sent before.

He sighed inwardly ' tsk tsk....how did I end up with this wild girl , how am I going to handle her in the future. Hmm I should teach her a lesson for doing such wild thing's'

Meng cheng who was watching the show from the corner was utter flopped. Her plan was completely reversed. In stead of her disappearance or herself getting injured , she faced it without panicking and she was even praised by the film crew for her bravery. Now they were treating her with even more respect.

Meng Cheng was boiling with anger when she suddenly received a message from an unknown number She opened the message , and at the next moment...