A new place

Inside the living room grandpa was screaming angrily at the butler.

"Let me go. I don't know you guys. I want to go home!"

The butler tried to calm him down. "Sir, please wait a bit when my master is back he will explain everything for you."

"I don't want to wait. It's already the middle of the night. When do you think he will come back? I don't want to wait!!!"

Seeing the heated situation Andrew walked into the living. The butler saw him and sighed in relieve.

"Master you're back." He greeted him.

Grandpa turned around to see who the said young master was. When he saw a young guy standing before him, he held nothing back and started to accuse the young master of kidnapping.

Devanta heard grandpa's voice and also walked into the living room. Before grandpa could scold Andrew further she stepped in between.

"Grandpa, I'm glad you're here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand. This is my friend Andrew. An old school mate from middle school. He offered me his help. I'm going to stay here and I thought why not bring you with me. He lives here alone with his father and we could give them some company."

Grandpa looked at Devanta judgingly.

"Little Devy. You said you wanted to be independent. You just came back to your father because I asked you to and because he pays your school fee. Why would you exchange pest with cholera. I don't know what this young man intends but I'm sure he won't help you for nothing."

Devanta couldn't argue with grandpa. He was right. At the beginning she had sworn to herself that she won't get help from anyone anymore but seeing grandpa she had to let go of this principle. Now she could have go back to grandpa but she decided to stay with Andrew. If it is the better choice that is something she has to wait and see.

Andrew saw that Devanta was in deep thought that's why he explained for her the situation. "Grandpa trust me. I don't want any harm for Devanta. In the contrary, I owe her a lot. She saved my life today. Giving her a place to live is the least I can do for her and I know she loves you very much. That's why I wanted for you to live here with her."

Grandpa saw nothing but sincerity on Andrew's eyes. After some contemplating he nodded his head.

"Alright. I agree I will stay here with Devanta but if she wants to leave you have to let her go. AND I want to do some chores here to pay for the rent." Andrew smiled hearing this.

"That's great. I will take good care of you both and don't worry about the rent. Just relax. You don't have to work that hard anymore."

"No I can't do that. I still have strength I want to work." Grandpa pouted.

"Ha ha ha alright. I think we can find a suitable work for you. Now it's late. Let me show you your room." Andrew gestured grandpa and Devanta to follow him.

"Then I wish you a good night." After showing them their rooms, Andrew wished a good night. Then he himself went to his room to go to sleep.

In the next morning he woke up to hear voices from downstairs. He stood up and walked down to see what's happening.

"Nooooo let me do it. I'm staying here for free. At least I want to make some good food to repay the young master."

When Andrew walked into the kitchen he could see grandpa quarreling with the head chef. The head chef refused to let grandpa cook. He was here to cook for the young master himself. If someone else did that what is the use of him being here.

"Okay you two calm down." Andrew stopped them. "Grandpa I appreciate your good intention but this man here is my head chef. It's his job to cook for us. You can relax."

"But I can't stay here and do nothing."

Andrew thought for a while.

"Then what about this. My dad is very I'll right now and he can't leave the house. I think he would be very happy to have someone talk to him. What do you think?"

Andrew waited for grandpa to response. The old man thought for a while and then looked at him.

"Okay sure. I can do that. But may I ask why your father is ill?"

"I can't tell you that. He doesn't want anybody to know. But rest assured it's not something contagious."

"If you don't want to tell me that's fine."

"Okay grandpa. If this is settled let's call Devanta and eat breakfast."

Both walked upstairs to Devanta's room. First they knocked but couldn't hear a response. They opened the door and peeked into the room. Grandpa saw Devanta lying on her bed first and laughed lightly.

"Ha ha ha this girl really... hahaha she never changes her sleeping habits." He laughed and walked out of the room.

Andrew looked at grandpa's retreating back confusedly. He didn't know what grandpa meant that's why he walked nearer to Devanta's bed. There he saw her lying all limps stretched out on the bed snoring lightly.

Amused he took his cellphone out and took a picture of her. Then he started to wake her up.

"Heyyyyy Devantaaaa. Wake up. Wakey wakey. Devy wake up." Devanta doesn't budge and just rolled on her side facing him.

He tried once more.

"Devyyyyy wake up. I have delicious breakfast for you."

At the mention of breakfast Devanta reacted.

"mhmmmm breakfast..." She raised her arm and grabbed him by his neck. Then she cuddled him and mumbled once more "breakfast".

"Hey! Let me go. I'm not breakfast. If you don't wake up you won't get any breakfast." Andrew tried to loosen her grip on his neck but failed. She had a strong grip around him and didn't want to let him go.

He had no other choice. He had to wake her up or he would get strangled to death.

Slowly he slid his arm down her stomach and then...