Getting the incident under control

Outside Devanta let both of the idiots go who slumped down at the floor.

She put her hands on her hips and glared at the two men lying on the floor before her.

"What are you guys doing? What the hell did you think?" She was fuming with anger.

Jackson groaned and slowly stood up.

"You are the right person to say that. What is so great about you that we both have to fight each other. Tch." He talked and walked away. Andrew also stood up and quietly said, "This time I was right. You should decide." He patted her shoulder and walked in the opposite direction of where Jackson went.

And Devanta sighed again. This night was truly too much.

Inside the room Mr. Scott just heard about what happened and tried to keep the whole incident low. Mr. Machiavelli did the same and had sent his men out to stop the crowd to take videos and pictures of the fight. He was fuming in anger. Even after kicking Devanta out of his house she could harm him. He had to "educate" Jackson. This situation can't happen ever again.

Andrew walked to his father and immediately apologized.

"Dad I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking straight earlier. I will ensure that this incident won't harm our company."

"Hm if you think you can do that, try it." Mr. Scott looked at his son thinking. He always thought that his son was a cold hearted child who acted with care and calculated but now seeing him like this he was relieved.

Thank God he doesn't have an entire heart of ice, he thought.

Mr. Scott took his drink and leaned back to see how Andrew would dissolve this.

Devy also came back in and casually joined Mr. Scott.

"Mr. Scott I'm sorry I let this happen."

"Don't be sorry. Andrew and that Jackson had to have a fight one day. You just gave them the perfect opportunity to fight their superiority with each other. Don't fred over that." He assured her.

At the same time Francesco Machiavelli shot them an icy glare. He was fuming in rage but tried to keep calm. He called one of his men over and whispered something into his ear. The subordinate nodded and swiftly vanished.

The charity gala went on without trouble. Because Jackson didn't come back there wasn't another chance for him and Andrew to fight each other.

Devanta felt tired after a few hours standing and talking to a few businessmen. She decided to go home.

She bid goodbye to Mr Scott and went to the car park to wait for her driver to arrive. A man soon arrived. She have him her car keys and sat at the backseat of the car.

Without a word the driver started the car and they drove off. Because she was too tired she soon dozed off. The driver calmly continued to drive. He soon arrived at a forest. Dark figures came out of it and opened the car door. They held a cloth before her mouth and carried her out of the car. With Devanta being unconscious they quietly walked through the forest to a small hut. The placed her on a chair and tied her up.


Devanta felt her arms going numb and woke up. Shocked she saw that she was in a unknown place. Her arms are tied up at her back and she faced a wooden wall. She looked around and saw that it was a small room she was in with no one around. She tried to squirm out of the ropes but they were tied to tight. Voices could be heard outside of the room. A few men were laughing and talking about something. Then a door opened with a bang and they got still. Heavy steps came nearer and soon the door to the room where she was in was opened and in came a dark figure. Behind him stood two more people. He lit up a cigar and puffed out a puff of smoke. He nodded at the two men and they moved closer to Devanta. Like on cue they both started to slap her and punch her.

Punch after punch she tried to not to cry out loud. She held pain in and stared furiously at the man standing in the back smoking leisurely while watching his men torturing her.

"Hahaha. Continue. Is that a punch? Harder! Ha ha ha."

In the silence the maniac laugh was echoing from the walls.