Ch.2 The New World

Two years and three months later...

Two men sat face to face inside a simple looking office, one of them looked like a western man from Earth with a scar running across his face, he is doctor Faller, the head researcher for the enhanced human department. The other is a black haired Asian-looking man who could be considered quite handsome in many people's standard, he had strait jet black hair tied in a top knot, a tall nose, and slightly slanted eyes. He is tall and packed with muscles that can instinctively turn heads on the street. It was as if he was carved by the Gods themselves.

"Captain Evans."


"First of all, I would like to congratulate you for the successful recovery from the operation. Not everyone makes it out of the tube you know.

There was a slight pause as the doctor scrutinized the specimen before him. The two years worth of testing and experiments resulted to no sizable gains in understanding the successful awakening and stability of Jayce Bracknell Evans aka Subject 2537. He was lost in thoughts for a few seconds before he shook his head and continued.

As you already are aware, you will be allowed to join the regular community, as well as be compensated for participating in the Super Soldier Program of the government. As per the agreement.... Do you have questions?"

"None at the moment sir." Jayce replied quickly. He's already itching to get out of this place.

From what he inherited from the previous owner of the body, this world that they lived in is not that much different from the one he came from except for the existence of other races like elves, orcs, fairies, and many more mysterious races. Also, the development in terms of technology is geared towards the growth of military power. The level of technology available to civilians is only comparable to those from 2021 of Earth in his previous life.

"Alright then, take this card, 500,000 units of Aetherion is deposited in it, and here is the key to your apartment. You will be expected to report to a new unit in a months time. I hope you enjoy your time off."

Jayce stood up to leave escorted by two soldiers in uniform.


Dr. Frank Faller looked at the report submitted by Zora's team and shook his head.

'Nothing, if I can't find the reason why he is capable of being in a regular mental state then my program will be shut down for sure.'

"I hope he produces results, the government is going to fry my balls if I don't have the goods to show after their investment."

He placed the document labelled as confidential. He threw the folder on the table and leaned back as he massaged the bridge of his nose. On the file, Jayce's results can be seen and he is evaluated highly by the scientists who tested him.


New Aetheria is a fairly big fortress city inhabited by close to five million people. It is a place where strength is equal to status. In fact, this rule applies almost everywhere in this chaotic world.

The human physique improved after the outbreak of mutant beasts and demons, since then a hierarchical society began to form, 'normal humans' are those with physique rating that ranges from 20-100 points, those who train by themselves called 'martial artists' can reach to about 101-300, soldiers who are systematically groomed can reach from 301-500, those from the 'elite-soldiers' who are given special drugs and enhancements has the physique rating of around 501-700. Most of these soldiers however do not live long due to genetic damages. The 'aristocrats' who has access to high quality nourishment can reach up to 701-999, the 'nobles' range from 1000-3000, 'lords' from 4000-6000, 'kings' from 7000-9000, and the strongest human physique rating to date, the 'emperor' level reached up to 12000.

This is only physique ratings. Magic is another thing as its applications are vast and those who can use magic almost always emerged victorious against even those with a level or two higher ratings in physique.

Jayce didn't go straight to his apartment and instead asked to be dropped off somewhere with lots of people in the city. He slowly walked on the bustling roads of New Aetherion as he planned his future.

'There's so much to do with so little time. I only have a month window at most, probably less, I should speed things up.'

Jayce sighed but he was smiling inwardly. He didn't know if everyone is entitled to a second chance, but he was sure of making the best effort to reach his goals this time.


The first thing that attracted Jayce's eyes in this world is its currency, it didn't make use of metallic coins or paper and instead used some sort of pellets called Aetherion. It is known that Aetherion are harvested from the bodies of mutated beasts and the other sentient races. It ranges from different sizes and colors based on their value, red being the cheapest and blue has the highest value.

Unlike other forms of currency, this type of currency can be directly consumed and is known to alleviate hunger and slightly improve physique and mana capacity. In a world where strength ruled above all, what would you do with coins and paper money?

[Bio-electric Energy Detected: .001 units]

[Materials Unknown]

[Value: 1 Aetherion]

[Effects: Satiation, Physique improvement, mana capacity enhancement...]

[Side effects: Genetic mutation]

Jayce was reluctant to consume such things, the side effects alone is enough to deter him from taking a single pill. He spat the pill out from his mouth and wiped it with his shirt as he reviewed his stats.

[Jayce Bracknell Evans]

[Lifespan: 29/30 years]

[Physique: 656]

[Gene degradation: 31%]

Although his physique is improved, his lifespan is greatly reduced due to the damage caused by the experiments performed on him. In fact just further damaging his gene would cripple or even kill him.

'It would be much easier with nano technologies but its quite far from my reach at the moment.'

Aside from the research results and experimental data from the facility the data available to Jayce is limited to what is currently known or made available to normal citizens.

Thankfully, the level of technology is not too backwards as he was able to gather information on many things like mutated plants and animals, where to find, how much, this and that... In short, common knowledge is already in the bag.

'Elizabeth how's our little project going?'

[Task is at 100% completion. What would you like to call this formula?]

'GeneFix1, make the preparations... We don't have much time.'

With half a year left in his weakened lifespan Jayce didn't want to waste a single idle moment.


"How's our test subject?"

Asked the voice from the phone and Dr. Frank answered in a calm composed tone.

"He is showing great potential but we still cannot determine the reason why he did not undergo the erratic change in behaviour like our previous subjects. He was released to the wild for further observations."

"Good, keep him on a leash and determine what causes him to not be as aggressive as the others before him. HQ keeps on pestering me for results. The opposition campaigning for their "Droid" project is gaining more and more supporters. We need to act fast Dr. Frank or we won't even know how we'll die."

"I understand Sir! I will not disappoint."

Dr. Frank's enhanced human or 'super soldier project' won over the 'droid' project of the opposition simply because of the low budget. The results however fell short from expectations after their lead researchers died in an accidental explosion while performing an experiment.

Right now, the stress levels are killing him and he didn't know what to do. He stared at the monitor which shows the location of his sole successful specimen who has been very busy in the past few days.


[Sample Analysis Complete]

[Simulation Complete]

[Congratulations sir! You have succeeded.]

A small vial of green liquid lay between Jayce's fingers. He shook it and looked at it in amazement. This is the GeneFix1 that he developed, it will theoretically cure his the damage in his genes and restore his lifespan.

'Finally, I'll be freed from this damaged shell of a body!'

Right now is the best time to do it. Jayce always repeated this phrase and it led him to success in his previous life. This time although there will be changes, his motto remains the same.

He loaded the drug in an automatic injector and pumped it directly into his bloodstream. Shortly after, his heart rate began to rise, as well as his temperature. He had difficulty breathing and he felt pain all over his body.

If not for Elizabeth who took over to ensure that the whole process proceeded smoothly then he would have reincarnated again for a second time. If there's a second time that is.


Jayce woke up feeling refreshed. He however frowned upon noticing that he is not in his apartment bed anymore.

"It's good that you are now conscious 2537. You had us worried there. Do you think we could have a talk just between us?"

It was Dr. Faller sitting by his bedside.

"I cured myself from the damages that the procedures have caused to my genes. I'm sure you already know that. By now you should have realized that the enhancement affected my brain more than it affected my body."

TBH Frank was expecting to be surprised by what he will find, but just now he realized a key factor to the success of this project which will determine his future.

'Could this be the reason why he didn't fall into insanity like the other specimens? That is highly likely but the mind is beyond our current research capabilities. What do I do...'

"We can cooperate."

Jayce interrupted his chain of thought with an unexpected remark.

"By this I mean I will help you make this little project succeed."

Dr. Frank was already standing, his eyes staring directly at Jayce who did not turn his head to avoid the glare.

"What makes you think that I will agree to your 'proposal'?"

"Well you may, you may not its always up to your decision. If not then do your worst, I was already dead anyway."

[Jayce Bracknell Evans]

[Lifespan: 29/120 years]

[Physique: 769] [Aristocrat]

Frank stared at Jayce with a look of contemplation.

"So you knew you are being watched and deliberately showed us your capabilities in terms of learning in order to strike a deal with us?" The doctor spoke with realization in his eyes. He wasn't asking, it was more like he needed to say it out loud in order to confirm it with himself.

"What do you want in return?"

"Aetherion and freedom from your program. I've had it with y'all jabbing at me without results to show for wasted time. I want full authority to the Super Soldier Program... You can of course monitor the progress, but the process will be handled and directed by me alone."

Jayce didn't even flinch, he knew that this whole program is about to plunge straight to hell and they needed his aid before someone's ass gets fried on the hot seat. Frank sighed finally giving up his stoic facade and showing a look of helplessness.

"I see no problem to the other conditions but, much Aetherion do you want?"

In reality Frank felt relived, he was losing hope in this project and Jayce's arrival is a godsent sign that it was not yet time for him to kick the bucket. What's good is that Jayce seem to be like someone who can be bought with Aetherion. You know what they say, if a problem can be solved with money then it isn't a problem.

"Just enough to have my own place where no one will disturb me, a private laboratory for my research, and enough money to buy research materials for experiments. That should be more or less 50,000,000 Aetherion if I'm not mistaken. Do we have a deal?"