Chapter 6

-Last Time-

she decided to Meditate while training Devil Aura, for the rest of the day, just to see what happens if she maxed a skill.

after about five hours of doing that she finally maxed out the skill.

Would you like to advance [Devil Aura] to [Devil Form]?


she taps 'Y' and she checks the new skill.

[Devil Form - LV1 0.00% (Passive/Active)]

the Devil's Aura flows within you, it had advanced to allowing you to transform into a more powerful form.

- Passively Boost Damage by 1000%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 100%

- Actively Boost Damage by 2000% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 200% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Damage by 2500% (Form)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 250% (Form)


- 5 MP per second (Aura)

- 1,000 MP per second (Form)

That… was a lot of text for one skill…

-This Time-

Team RWBY and JNPR had gone through their first day of training under the Devil Reficul, and all they could say, is that it was ironically 'Hell'.

She had put them through exercises to push their physical limits, forced them to adapt as she fired very weak bullets at them and if they got hit 10 times they had to do more physical exercises, which she said was to 'motivate' them into doing better.

After that and their bodies were all sore, she then made them focus on Aura control, a better handle of one's Aura would mean less is wasted in the use of a semblance, which they were pretty sure that wasn't the case but didn't want to incur the wrath of the Devil training them.

After all that, a four hour training session, she finally let them rest and said training was finish.

She left off to go do her own thing while the two teams recovered, Yang, who was the more fit of the group and as such suffered the less, was the first to speak, "damn, where she suggested training I thought some tips here and there, not full blown hell, which is ironic since she's a devil."

Everyone groans and Weiss spoke up, "Yang… shut up…" it took them a full hour to be able to move properly once more.

Reficul had got to her room to Train her Devil Form.

She sat down and Meditated so she wouldn't run out of Mana too fast and entered her Devil Form.

She grew a considerable amount, and looked to be in her 20s now, her clothes and hair stayed the same but her face became more sharp and more mature, with black veins coming from her eyes, if her eyes were open you'd see the whites of her eyes have disappeared.

Her wings were upgraded to be the size they normally are in Devil Flight, and seemed more sharp and narrow to allow more air to pass through the top and bottom to have more speed in flight.

Ah, she also gained a second set of horns under her normal ones that looked identical.

She decides to train this for the better part of the afternoon…

Once she woke up she instantly exited her Devil Form as to not waste Mana, after which she checked the Notifications.

You've leveled up Devil Form x19

[Devil Form - LV20 20.16% (Passive/Active)]

the Devil's Aura flows within you, it had advanced to allowing you to transform into a more powerful form.

- Passively Boost Damage by 1000%

- Passively Boost Intimidation by 100%

- Actively Boost Damage by 2000% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 200% (Aura)

- Actively Boost Damage by 3000% (Form)

- Actively Boost Intimidation by 300% (Form)


- 5 MP per second (Aura)

- 800 MP per second (Form)

She smiled at the progress before checking the time, it was around 7:30 PM, so she decided to go to Vale to explore abit.

'Hmm, it seems as though a festival of some kind is starting soon if the banners and balloons are anything to go by, I'll ask Team RWBY tomorrow.' she walks through the night and after it hit's midnight she decides to go back to sleep.

She woke up at around 9:00 AM and had messaged the two times the night before that there was no training today, much to the two teams relief.

She met up with them during the break between first period and second period, and had asked about any festivals being held soon.

Weiss was the one to answer, "oh, you mean the Vytal Festival that's held every year to commemorate the end of the Great War." Reficul shrugs, "I guess?" Weiss explains everything about it to the tournament that is held and the fact it's being held in Vale this year.

"Hmm… sounds interesting, could I participate?" Weiss looked unsure, "well, you need a team of four to enter." Reficul looked slightly down, but had an idea, "what if I could make copies of myself?" they look at her for a moment before muttering about multiple teachers from hell.

"Uh, girls…?" they snap out of it when Weiss entered, "uh, I believe it's a no as you could easily exploit the later matches since round two is two people and round three is one person, you would be able to make more and that would make it unfair, including you're strength…"

Reficul nods dejectedly, but ultimately says nothing.

After a few weeks of not really doing much minus training the two teams to the best they can be.

It was a free day from training and school had a day off to celebrate the Vytal Festival.

Reficul had joined Team RWBY to town to see what's going on.

The five girls walk down the street and approach a sign being put up, Weiss starts to speak, "Oh the Vytal Festival, this is absolutely wonderful." she said with a smile on her face.

Ruby looks at her quizidly from behind, "I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. it's kind of weirding me out…" Reficul nods to her before Weiss turns around, "How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world!"

She continued, "There will be dances, parades, a tournament!" Reficul thinks it would be better to ignore Weiss but didn't want to get an earful from her, what? she may be one of the strongest people at Beacon but getting an earful from Weiss is the last thing she wants.

"Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking." Yang sighs while crossing her arms as the five begin to walk down the street once more, "you really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring."

"Quiet you."Weiss said while looking at Yang, a ships horn is heard in the background, Yang decides now is a good time to ask a question, "Remind me again why we're spending our Friday afternoon Visiting the stupid docks?"

"Ugh, they smell like fish." Reficul sighs at Rubys statement, "yes Ruby, there are plenty of Fish at the docks." she nods slightly before Weiss speaks up, "I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today."

"And as a representative of Beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom." Weiss turns around before Blake speaks up.

"She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Weiss turns to her. "Ah! You can't prove that!" Ruby looks off to her right and see's a store that had yellow tap all over it, "Whoa."

Reficul decides to enter the crime scene, "Oi, you can't be he-" she shows him an ID Card, "actually, by law I am allowed to Investigate to see if I can find something, I have Ozpin's approval should the need arise." and with that Reficul enters the store with the two police coming in with her.

The first one filled her in one what they had so far, Reficul nods before looking around, "hmm, residue of Fire Dust, a definite fight broke out here, what about the owner of the store, was he here when the store was hit?" the police officer seems slightly down, Reficul got the meaning, "ah, nevermind then…"

Looking through some of the ruble, she picks up a piece of black fabric, looked like it was from a suit.

She used observe on it to get some extra info on it.

[Black Suit Fabric - Rank: Uncommon]

A piece of Black Fabric that came from a Suit, it has special materials to make it resistant to Dust, the base material are commonly used in the Black suit's for Junior's Thugs, there's abit of blood on it, most likely from the wearer.

She hands it to the police who put it in a bag, "some black Fabric with blood on it, most likely belonging to one of the people that hit this place, see if you can trace it back to the person, it looks the same Fabric some of those Black suit thugs around town." the Police nod to her before they continue.

After a hour she finally leaves to go back to Beacon.

Once she got back she decides to finish training Devil Flight and Transportation, along with Stealth and Surface Walking which took her a week's outside of attending classes and training Team RWBY and JNPR. (Minus Blake)

At the end of the day of the investigation Blake ran off, when she asked Team RWBY about it they said they had a argument about the White Fang.

She was out with Team RWBY looking for Blake in Vale, it had gotten abit late and Reficul was close to the docks, so she see the White Fang members around the docks loading stuff into Bullheads.

She spots Blake and a Monkey Faunus facing off against Torchwick and the White Fang members, so she narrows her eyes before getting ready to move in.