Did It Again

Ru kept her eyes on the odd woman before her eyes as she stroking Ru's soft hair and mumbling incoherent words to herself with a goofy smile. Why Ru called her odd? What else could she say, the woman was showering her motherly love on her; a demon.

"Oh," suddenly recalling something, the woman lifted the lid of the pots on the table and said, "Look mom waited for you at dinner as always. Mom made it herself." Ru frowned at the last statement. The woman wasn't even sane, how could she cook? "Eat it. Mom is a bit forgetful so there might be something missing. Don't mind that, okay?"

Ru saw her nervously rubbing her hands together and an innocent look on her face. But she was lost in her own thoughts as her words had triggered some old memories.


"See what mother has brought for you. I made it all by myself." Young Ru gazed at her mother's face and sat down on the cushion.