Blunder On Her Part

Coming back to her computer room, Ru sat languidly on her swivel chair and gave it a 360-degree spin while waiting for the computers to boot up.

She closed her eyes and let the events of the night replay like a scene from a movie. She had an impeccable memory and perhaps that's why having a gap between her memory felt even weirder to her. She could remember every tiny incident of her life vividly and yet, she couldn't remember anything that happened in those two years.

It was pure torture since whenever she tried to put some pressure on her mind, she would get dizzy. It was a feeling like someone was squeezing the life out of her.

"Welcome back, master!" Raven's human-like voice made Ru open her eyes as she stared at the multiple screens surrounding her.

"Run the virus diagnosis first." Getting the order, Raven started the process and Ru could see the numbers and codes running on the screen before her. It was going to take some time.