Being Civil

"Do you need help with that, Zhi?" Ru offered as she heard the clattering sound of a kitchen knife.

Xiao Zhi Ren took a deep breath and repeated the mantra inside his head which went something along the line of, 'Inhale... Exhale... Don't let it get to you. Don't let her see right through you.'

"No, thanks for the offer. But I'm fine," he managed to get back his composure and polite smile as he picked up the kitchen knife from the floor but disregarded the blood oozing out of his foot. He needed that pain on his body to keep his sanity. To forget that he was raging inside. To hide his painful heart. And most importantly, to keep his jealous self at bay.

Ru wasn't really paying attention to his expressions otherwise, she could have easily learned what was going through his mind.

She took another bite of the carrot in her hand and asked, "So, which friends of Little squirrel managed to pull him out of his hole?"