
*Flashback Still Continues*

"We have shifted the patient to the room, you can see her now." Getting the doctor's approval, both of them made their way inside the private room.

Xiao Zhi Ren was the one who walked inside first but as soon as his eyes fell on her cleaned up face, he was stunned. He ran to her side and rubbed his eyes trying to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. But even after that, he could see her.

Her eyes had a thick gauze around them while there were other small scratches on her face that were disinfected.

"Bro, let's go to the hotel after this." Ji Syaoran stopped talking when he saw the tears in his brother's eyes. "Bro, what's wrong?" He was alarmed immediately.

Xiao Zhi Ren lifted his finger to point at Ru's face but Ji Syaoran couldn't understand what he was trying to show him. "She... It's her. The one in the bar." Xiao Zhi Ren managed to stammer out his words.

Ji Syaoran finally looked carefully at Ru's face. He didn't know what to say at all.