Pleasures Of Life

"Hey, little squirrel..." Ru turned to look at the youngster's beaming face.

"Oniisan, where did you go? I've been waiting for you since 4 in the morning." Xiao Zhi Yuan complained in a sulky look.

Ru touched his head full of black hair and smiled, pondering her words before saying, "I went out for some enjoyment." 'But yours and my definition of enjoyment can be misinterpreted.'

"Enjoyment?" Xiao Zhi Yuan's brows locked together in confusion.

"Haven't you heard about the four pleasures of life?" Yuan shook his head in negation and Ru had to explain, "The four pleasures of life are eating, drinking, playing and enjoying. Therefore, I was out looking for enjoyment." 'Oh, wait! That was my version of four pleasures. Bloody hell! I'm so going to hell for misleading a young boy but well... I've already shot the arrow. Let's not go back on our words now.'