Did we ever get to mention that there are two versions of Ru? Nope?
Let's divulge into that topic for today. On normal occasions, Ru's sensible part would be ruling her senses and she would have answered him with, "What can exactly go on between me and your brother? I'm straight through and through!"
That wouldn't be wrong considering her gender.
But right now, Ji Syaoran's expressions and anxious tone evoked Ru's cunning and mischievous side. And let's face it, that version of her was never up to any good! Therefore, she answered him with, "Between me and your brother? Hmm... I think you can see for yourself. What does it seem like? Isn't it obvious enough?"
For an outsider, there was nothing wrong with her words. Not at all. But Ji Syaoran wasn't an outsider. He was the only insider who knew about the happenings of that kiss! Which brought us to the point where Ji Syaoran's face paled with her words.