I'm A Shy One

"Not everyone can become like me. This young master is quite special." Ru's narcissistic nature came out. "After all, it's not easy to have a genius brain, with exceptional skills, otherworldly background, and much more." 

"Are you done singing your praises? You sound like a salesperson. The difference is you seem to be selling yourself." Zhu Jie's voice made her want to smack his head. 

"Oi! How can one describe me in only this much? I still have a whole lot to add." With a haughty expression she added, "Also, do you think anyone can afford to buy this lord?"

"To be honest, I can define you in one sentence." Ru frowned at his answer. He completely disregarded her latter question since they both knew the answer.

"How?" She asked.

Zhu Jie smiled slightly as he said, "That I'll tell you some other day." Ru rolled her eyes at him. "For now, let's focus on your dream."