Learned It All From You

Ru was 14 when her father had brought her to a female store outside of their Shadowwick State. He had said, "Ru, you can choose any dress that you like. As long as we stay out of the clan, you can dress up as a girl."

She had scowled back then and replied, "Father, I don't like these clothes. I'm fine with what I'm wearing."

"But little Ru, don't you also want to look pretty like other girls?" His father's gaze was affectionate yet there was a hint of guilt and hurt in his eyes.

Ru had held his calloused hands with her small ones and said, "Father, am I not pretty as I am?"

Looking at her big green eyes, he was stunned for a moment before he gently rubbed her hair saying, "My little Ru is the prettiest. No matter what she wears."

Ru had smiled brightly at his words. "If Father thinks I'm the prettiest than there is no doubt that young master Ru is the prettiest."