Taking Liberties With Sleeping Beauty

It took Ru thirty minutes to drive to Xiao Zhiren's location and all this while, she didn't disconnect the call. She could hear his breathing and it brought a strange sense of ease. It was enough, at least, until she managed to reach him. As for why it was enough, well, she didn't want to waste her time thinking about it.

She was a very rash driver, to begin with, and now, that she was in a hurry for some God-forsaken reason, she had really forgotten all about traffic rules. On a busy road, her car revved like a cyclone.

And as she found his car parked at the roadside, she rushed up to his car and looked inside through the window pane. Inside the car, she could see him unconscious as she tried to open the door but it was locked from inside. Pulling out a silver needle from her needles pouch which is stuck to her body all the time, she fiddled with the lock.