Your Heart Whispered To Me

Three words... Eight letters... And a whole lot of feelings...

Xiao Zhiren's simple "I want you." carried a weight which couldn't be denied. These were one of the most romantic and sincerest words to a girl. A blunt confession that probably held a bigger promise than "I love you." Because his confession stated clearly how much she meant to him. 

Any girl would have melted at this confession and probably would have said, "I'm already yours."or something along the line. At least, if the situation was reversed in their case and Ru was the one saying, "I want you." Xiao Zhiren wouldn't have even hesitated before saying, "I'm all yours, to begin with."

But sadly, the situation wasn't ideal in their case. Because the one doing the confession was Xiao Zhiren and the one being confessed to was our Ru; who loved running from her feelings. Especially, her feelings for Xiao Zhiren that had become complicated and far from her understanding.