
'My heart has already caught the rhythm of yours. That reason should be enough for you.' 

Those words echoed in her mind like a broken record. She was sick of this endless loop constantly playing in her mind. It wasn't annoying though. The feelings it agitated in her were annoying. 

For the next couple of nights, she again wasn't able to sleep. It was lack of Xiao Zhiren's presence beside her or her insomnia was back; it was hard to tell. However, a certain voice in her mind was nagging and claiming that it was the absence of a particularly cheeky person.

"My friend is coming today. We are going to a restaurant for dinner. Would you like to join?" Xiao Zhiren asked her as he met her outside the condominium building.

"Friend is yours. Dinner is yours. Why should I join?" Ru retorted keeping her eyes anywhere but at him.