A Lone Star

Ru had figured that she was already doomed. However, there was no harm in prolonging this situation, was there?

"What are you talking about, Xiuying?" Ru replied feigning perfect ignorance as if last night's events had nothing to do with her at all.

Abbott Wang Xiuying stared at her face as he said, "Why do I have to remind Young Master that he can't call me by my name?"

Ru stood up from the stairs and dusted off her clothes while walking down. "If you say so, Yingying." Seeing the look of Abbott Wang Xiuying's face she added, "Don't like it? How about Xiao Ying? No? Ying'er? This won't do as well? Then... Ah-Ying? Come on, choose one already." She turned to look at Steward Shin and asked, "Uncle Shin, don't you think Yingying sounds better?"

Steward Shin was having difficulty in keeping a straight face. Only his Young Master would dare to talk so impudently with Abbott Wang Xiuying. "If Young Master finds it better than how can I say otherwise?"