(On DEMAND) Interview With The Author

Hello all! And welcome to our first interview with the author.

*Big round of applause*

Okay, so let's get some basic things out of the way first.

Q from lgao, jenny_santos880, fevzsai, K_Rocks: "Author what course are you studying currently and what is your age?"

Author: Well, I'm a graduate of B.S Software Engineering and currently, I'm studying for a civil service exam. And this august I turned 23 years old.

Q from RMuskaan: "Author's real name: Almas which means Precious Diamond.

I want to see what the author looks like: Not sure how to do that but you can check my profile. Although the pic is tiny but that's me.

What do you do?

Author: Well, I'm studying and writing.

How did you get into writing?

Author: I always had too many stories cooking up in my mind since I was imaginative from a young age. Since I couldn't find the kind of books I liked to read, I ended up writing the ones in my mind.

Where do you live?

I'm from Pakistan as it's stated on my profile.

And share a bit about yourself:

I'm not sure what to say about myself. This question has always been a bit hard for me to answer. But what I can share with you is that I'm the youngest in my house, I had been pampered the most. However, that made me distant from the world. For me, social media is a place where I don't fit at all. To be honest, I don't even fit in people around me as well. My real bond is with my family and no one else. In a way, you can just call me a loner."

Q from Dark_fairy: "What inspires you to write so many heart touching lines?"

Author: What inspires me? I'm not sure. But I love observing people. Since I'm a silent person, it allows me to listen to others. People say I am a good listener and perhaps that's how my inspirations come. All I need is a word and just like a lightbulb, my brain lights up with a whole new story and scenario.

Q from AozoraHikaru: "How can you make a good story with your twisted words play? Where did it come from? Do you have any social media like Instagram?"

Author: Twisted words play comes from my crazy mind where every word has another meaning. For me, every single thing can be described in a million ways and I like to try as many ways as I possibly can. Yes, I do have Instagram. I shared it with you guys in the earlier chapters. But I can share again: Instagram id is: amaya_meehee

Q from faithdarling: "About Ru, is she your imagination or she's what you are or what you wanna be?"

Author: Ru is a character most close to my heart. She is indeed my imagination. But apart from that Ru is someone I always wanted to be. In a way, Ru's been living within my mind since I first started distancing myself from people around me. From that time, Ru has been my best friend. Yes, as crazy as it sounds my own characters are my friends because they always stayed with me when no one else did.

Q from Nprincess: "Do some/all of your inspirational words and advice link with experiences you have gone through or witnessed them from other people or both? Or you generally just love spreading some wise words out there?"

Author: I can't say all but some inspirational words come from what I went through too early in my life. As for why I share my words, it's the same reason why I write stories; I like seeing people change because of my words. If my one word can bring a smile on someone's face, or give them a hope to spend another day then that's all the accomplishment I can ask for.

Q from Nprincess: "When you're feeling down or going through a difficult time, what do you do to distract yourself? Excluding writing chapters and writing solutions in a diary or side notes?"

Author: It might sound odd but I distract myself by closing my mind. I have programmed my mind so well in the past years that now I can put my mind on a shutdown mode. If I don't want something to disturb me, I just ignore it.

Q from Angelina_devil: "What are the books you like most?

Author: Hmm... I have two books that changed my life and I'll never forget that. First is 'Forty Rules of Love' by Elif Shafak and the second is 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Cohello.

Your inspiration for writing such best books with nice characters and precious words?

Author: As I said, inspiration is everywhere. You just need to have the eye to see it and a mind to accept it.

What's your favorite character among those you created?"

Author: A mother can't pick a favorite child, how can an author pick only one favorite character out of all the ones he created? All have a special meaning and place in my heart.

Q from jokeoflife: "Author do you have a personal sad story?

Author: Sad story? I don't know if it's considered sad but I do have a story.

Who is your all-time favorite author and book?

Author: I already mentioned that above.

What do you like most, poems or stories?

Author: There was a time when poems were really difficult for me. I never understood them. But now, I can feel a connection with them just like I do with stories. But still, stories are my favorite."

Q from mysticgirl: "Author's real name?"

Author: Already answered that at the start

Q from Shine2528: "When did you decide to write?

Author: I think it's been 6 years since I first started writing. 

What were your feelings when you wrote your first novel's first chapter and what's the name of your first novel?"

Author: When I wrote my first novel's first chapter, my feelings were... I have a long way to go. As for the name of my novel, that was 'Hold onto me'. But I never saw the end of it because of the fact that I tried writing from the first person's point of view and I failed miserably at that. But that novel made me realize that I'm not cut out for the first-person p.o.v. because I like storytelling like a storyteller not like a narrator who just related his own life story. So, technically my first novel which had my unique writing style with a third-person point of view was, 'Because I love you, boy!'

Q from Penmythoughts: "How are you feeling now... Physically, mentally, emotionally? Are you alright? Or getting better?"

Author: I think I'm in a good place right now. Not emotionally, physically or mentally. Just in my bed. LOL...

Q from Penmythoughts: "You said, you don't pile your works and just write it but if that's the case how are you so well planned? Do you plan the structure of the story prior? How this works?"

Author: As I already said, piling work as a huge drawback for me. I'm a second-guessing person. Even when I write a chapter, I read it three times and during those intervals, I end up adding so many new lines. Last time when I piled my work, I wrote five chapters in the night and waking up, I ended up rewriting them again. As for my planning... All I have is a scene in my mind like a story before I sit to write. As for what to write, I just let myself think naturally.

Q from fngirlforeve: "From where did you get this idea of Ru? Which country are you from? Are you working?"

Author: I think all the questions have been covered above.

Q from jokesoflife: "Describe yourself in one word.

Author: Silent

What is your aim in life and what is your dream job?

Author: Aim is to touch people's heart and become a part of their lives through my words. The dream job is still getting a platform to do achieve that aim of mine.

What makes you angry?

Author: Almost every other thing. I'm a Leo. I'm naturally always angry.

Which kind of a person you were in your childhood?

Author: I was the most loved one in the house. And in fact, I was a very happy child. One who rarely cried.

If you were invisible for a day what would you do?

Author: Don't worry, I'm always insivible to people. It's my superpower.

Who is your favorite person?

Author: My mother.

Who do you care for?

Author: Again, my mother and my family.

Which is the most memorable moment in your life?

Author: Most memorable moment... I can't recall anything that I'd call memorable."

Q from sibbestian: "What kind of a person are you? Where do get the idea to write mini-episodes? How come you know so much about southern asia if you're from Pakistan yourself? Do you understand hindi?"

Author: First of all, I hope your hand injury is getting better. Get well soon! Moving to your questions, I'm the kind of person who chooses silence over arguments since I find it dramatic. Mini-episodes either comes from my mind or from lame internet jokes. I know so well about southern Asia because I always do my research before writing. My belief is that if I don't know a culture, it's people or religion, I'll never be able to portray my characters realistically. That's why I do thorough research and then start my story. And yes, I do understand hindi very well. Since my urdu and your hindi is almost the same.

Q from 97_chingu: "Favorite character in this book?"

Author: From this book, obviously Ru is favorite for everyone.

Q from HAPPY_TEARS: "How you felt when you first starting a novel or writing it?"

Author: As I said, I love second-guessing which is why I am never sure about my words. Whenever I start a chapter or novel, I end up asking myself, is it good enough to publish? It's a wonder that I bring myself to pressing that publish button even after all the second-guessing. But only because of your comments. That's why I love reading comments.

Q from sansanibae: "Which country are you from?

Author: Already mentioned that I'm from Pakistan.

What is the name of the University you are studying at?

Author: COMSATS University, Islamabad.

What course are u studying?

Author: I have studied Software Engineering.

Wanna be friends?

Author: If you can handle a person like me then why not."

Q from QysQk: "What was the first ever impression in your mind of all the main characters in all of your novels aka Mey, Ah Jie, Ru, Ren, Xiu, Darren? And ofc we can't ignore the side characters."

Author: First impressions... Xu Mey; mean, adorable but dangerous.

Ah-Jie; sweet, loving, reliable but most importantly, strong.

Ru; strong, best for friends and worst for enemies, a devil that doesn't hide her darkness, oblivious to the feelings but curious to learn everything.

Ren; lovestruck, sweet but shameless.

Xiu: broken, lost and looking for a normal life.

Darren: broken and lost in his own way, trustworthy, reliable, hides his scars, sharp-tongue but a kind heart.

Q from piuww22: "What is the brand of soap and shampoo did you use?"

Author: I really don't know why this question is here but... I've used Pantene shampoo most of my life. As for soap, any anti-bacterial one would do. 

Q from nidhi2403: "Is Ru a real-life character or you created?"

Author: I don't think Ru could be a real-life character. Obviously, she came from my ridiculous mind.