You Aren't Alone

Ru could count on her fingers the number of times she felt like she had no idea what was going on or what she was supposed to do. And today certainly was one of those days for her. The situation with Xiao Zhiren's family seemed so twisted that she was wanted to bang her head against the wall.

And it never had happened that Young Master Ru wanted to do something and she didn't. That's exactly why when she came back to her room, she started hitting her head against the wall. At this point, this was the only thing that seemed sane to her insanely raging emotions. If she as a third party was going through such emotions, she could hardly imagine what the people involved were going through.

With her eyes closed, as she again hit the wall, she felt something soft. Opening her eyes, she looked at the hand that had blocked her and turned her eyes to look at Xiao Zhiren looking at her with an inquisitively look and worry written all over his face.