Missing People

When Ru managed to enter the helicopter, she was fixing her safety belt when she heard Wu Dishi's voice, "Miss, who are you?"

Ru looked at up at him with an indifferent look and saw his face contorted in perplexion. He was looking dumbfoundedly at Ru and the next person who entered after her. But Ru really didn't want to blame him or yell at him for being so dense. But then again, who was she kidding? She was Ru if she didn't say anything that'd be weird instead.

"Want to die, Wu Dishi?"

Hearing that deep voice filled with anger, frustration and something else that always managed to scare the hell out of him, Wu Dishi's spirit almost left his body. A look of astonishment had made his eyes open wide as he looked at Ru from the top of the head down to her bare feet. But as realization dawned on him, he visibly gulped as his face paled.

"Master? Is that really you?" He asked for confirmation. He needed it badly.