Bargaining Chip

From the time Ru had met Zhiren, she knew that he had been looking for his mother's murderer. He had seen her mother getting stabbed at her last moment and he even held onto the weapon that was used to stab her. But in the dead of the night, neither could he see the murderer's face nor could he find his mother's dead body.

And at one point, she even felt the urge to help him as well. But since she had her own enemies lied up, she didn't try to get involved with his enemies as well.

However, it blew her mind when she got to know that the woman, Ling Qiaolian was not even Zhiren's mother from the very beginning. And the woman, Xiao Zhi'er whom Zhiren hated the most in his life was, in fact, his own birth mother. He was just one of those people who fell in the trap laid by Ling Qiaolian and ended up despising his own blood-related relations including his own father.