The Beast Inside

-The Death Valley-

Rich velvet blanket of black swallowed up the day, draining the colors of grey and then into nothing at all as midnight came around. Only a smattering of luminous stars could be seen in the absolute darkness of midnight sky. Even the moon had waned into nothing at this time.

Through a small window, the waned moonlight fell inside the dark, slightly damp and cold cell. The cell wasn't made of concrete, rather it seemed to be carved inside the mountain. The metal bars were really thick and it wasn't very spacious either. 

The moonlight seemed to be dancing in the myriad of shadows until it slowly fell on a figure curled up on the cold floor, shivering. Fair, tender but frail hands were hugging the small frame. Hair drenched in sweat stuck to the small face of the young girl who was suffering from immense pain.
