
At the foot of the mountain, a group of five people was assembled in a uniformed manner as they stared at their master who had been daydreaming for a while now. It was a very rare moment for the Black Mist squad to actually see their master in this state.

As for their peerless master, Ru was busy trying to digest the fact that she was supposed to fight this war with a... gun! Oh, her hatred for this metallic thingy was incomparable!

The Black Mist squad after playing a round of rock paper scissors finally decided their candidate who would dare to go up to their master and even shake her a bit to brief her about the details of the on-going events.

And the candidate chosen was Adia who cursed her luck before trying to call out, "Master... Master..." Seeing that Ru wasn't really reacting, she took a deep breath and called out in a loud voice, "Master!"