
*Flashback Continued*

Ru had jumped into the fight without thinking much about it. According to her, it was a piece of cake to deal with those amateurs. However, she forgot that people outside her world were sly rather than upright like her. Just because she hated dirty fights didn't mean others did as well.

She was trying to save Xiao Zhiren when someone injected something on the back of her neck. Ru's steps faltered but she didn't give up. Even in that state, she fought with all her willpower. She dragged her body with that muddled head around and was almost on the verge of winning when the reinforcement joined and Ru couldn't hold on to her consciousness anymore.

It was exactly as Rong had told her, if it wasn't for Xiao Zhiren she wouldn't have fallen. His hatred for Xiao Zhiren was justified for him because even if he was asked to choose again, he would end up choosing his own Ru's life over Xiao Zhiren's.