
Sort it out!!-2

Olive's POV:

"Kookie! Kookie!! What's wrong?"

I heard some one yell at him..

So this kid's name is Cookie? What? Whatever.. but how old is he even? He's in a boyband it seems.. doesn't him yelling girl cooties seem a bit.. no not a bit.. way.. weird?


Boy stop yelling..

Hell these guys are crazy. But the thing at hand right now is a bit weirder.. how can I bath without sending like a perv? Shit.. do I have to pee? No S.H.I.T. Sherlock!

Sometime later:

I somehow managed to get out of the bath.. tell you what.. I bathed with the clothes on.. and pssst.. don't tell anyone.. I did something hella disgusting.. I peed my pants.. that's only a part of the reason why I stood in the shower with my clothes on..

"Time to choose and outfit". "Oh. My. God. Woah".

"A freaking walk-in closet.. just how rich is this guy?"

He must be drop dead rich.. drawers full of Rolex watches, so cool.. he has the whole collection of these.. cloth hangers themselves must be Gucci or something.. do they even sell cloth hangers? Duh.. how am I supposed to know? I don't get paid enough to end lives.. all that gutter work and pfft..

Gucci.. Saint Laurent.. Armani.. Louis Vuitton.. Burberry.. OH MY FREAKING GOODNESS!!

Woo shoes.. I love converse highs!!

A black coat with glittery sequins caught my eyes. "Woah this is Gucci too.. my poor ass hasn't worn Gucci before.. well.. let's try then."


Look at this white T-shirt! It's says.. SWAG!.. Woah.. just my style. Let's pair this with.. black jeans maybe? Hmm..

This guy has quite a good fashion eye.. everything is white or black.. just the way I like it.

Shoes.. black converse highs.. woah bish I look rich. Wait watches! Rolex man. Let me look at the mirror!

The moment I stood in front of the mirror, my happiness vanished away.. cause.. no matter what, I wasn't in my own body..

"OLIVIA!" I heard someone shout.. must be the translated guy.. what was his new again? Nah don't care..


I heard some murmuring which I roughly translated to: "It's true that girls take too long to get ready."

I don't usually take this much time..

I brushed my hair and pulled it back into a hat. Well not my hair I know..

This ain't bad.. it's comfy. But I'm missing something.. what is it?  Ah.. my hand gun.. yeah.. I wonder what that Suga guy is doing in my body right now..


Suga's POV:

"What's the last number of Jimin's phone number? Uh.. 9? 8? 7? 6? 5? 4? 3? 2? 1? 0? Why the hell are there so many possibilities?"

"Should I try everything?"

"Wait a minute.. would Jimin even pick up an unknown number?"

"Probably not.. so why should I try? Why should I take all the trouble?"

"This girl's bed is hella comfy. I'll just take a tiny nap and maybe try after I wake up.. *yawn.."

(A/n: I wanna tell you the story of how a tiny nap turned into a medium sized nap to a very very long nap.. but that'll be a long story for another day so.. yeah.. lol 😂)(Typical lazy suga)

Olivia's POV:

"It doesn't happen with just a wish right?" I asked the very-tall-translator-guy-whose-name-I-dont-remember.

He didn't notice me as yet..

"Huh?" He turned around to look at me.. his eyes went too wide for my liking?

"Did I mess up something?"

"No. It's just that Suga doesn't dress up this glittery and all.."

"It's not my fault. It was in his closet! And I liked it. Why did he have a FREAKING GUCCI coat if he doesn't like to wear it? Huh?"

"Look.. maybe his stylist gave it to him during tour or something.. like maybe for an mv.. or maybe a photoshoot or maybe he bought it by accident or something.. let's drop the topic shall we? It's getting late. Let's get going before PD-nim yells his throat off."

"Woah..woah.. slow down.. take a deep breath and talk in English."

"I was talking in English?"

"What? I couldn't understand a word.. let's just go." I started walking in front of him like I knew the way.. but unfortunately I didn't.. he took the hint and started walking in front of me.

"I just hope our fans don't find out anything.. they're literally part-time detectives."

"I'll just act like I got that and just walk behind you.. yaay"

"I don't think they'll find out.. especially since you have Suga's attitude."

"Joon hyung! You dropped honorifics with Suga.. wait till he hears about this!!" Yelled a very tiny guy.. oh it's him.. the one I saw first.. I almost killed him.. thank God I didn't.. he's kinda cute..

"Chim! It's English!"


We finally got out of the house.. well.. mansion.. just how huge is this building?

"So back to what you asked me.."

"Huh? Um yeah.. how could we switch bodies with just a wish?" "It can't happen just like that right?"

"You know what Suga would ask right now?"


"Do I look like I switch bodies every now and then? HUH?"

"Well.. I dunno?" (Bish who you tryin that sass with?"

"Aish! I don't! It was supposed to be sarcasm!!"

"Oh really?" I said and waved him off cooly while I was dying laughing inside my mind..

"You are Savage. Just like Suga!"

"Thank u for the very nice compliment. I get that very often.. and the Suga guy already seems cool." I said.. smirking.

"Why did Suga hyung end up looking ugly today?"

Some guy just randomly came into our conversation and started talking in Korean.

"What did he say?"


"What did he say??"

"He said that you.. I mean Suga looked good today."

I didn't believe him and kept staring him down, with laser beams probably shooting out of my eyes, until finally, he gave in. Hmph.. don't underestimate girl power.

"Alright.. alright.. he told me that Suga ended up looking ugly today."

"Well tell him he doesn't look that bad himself"

"Hobi.. she told me that u don't look that bad either "

"Looks like Suga hyung's sarcasm caught up to her finally."

"I Highly doubt that.  She's already hella sarcastic."

I watched them two speaking until I couldn't take it anymore.. do I have to lean another language now? Well I have this cool translator.. why do I have to? All it requires is.. "TRANSLATE! NOW!"

"He said that it seems like Suga's sarcasm caught up to you finally!!"

"Well tell him I'm not much of an Angel myself!"

"What did she say?"

"She said....." "Wait! Why the hell do I have to do this extra translation job?"

"I should already get paid more to translate all the shit you guys say during interviews!!" "Go watch some English movies.. maybe 'friends' series and learn English first!!"

"But I do know English!"

"What of English?"

"Well.. PARDON!!"

"Uh huh.. And?"




"Pardon me what do you mean?"


"You guys are hopeless. I just remembered why I gave up on y'all and your English a long while ago."

"I should talk with Bang PD-nim first.. should get a pay raise..jdklamsbdubsk"

Okay.. so what happened here? Why did my translator mumble something and leave? Now what am I supposed to do? How are we going to the place where the rehearsal takes place? Is a chauffeur bringing a car or something?


Bye guys!! That's for today!! I'll update the next chapter soon!! Promise!! Cross my heart!! Bye!!

Stay golden guys!! Love y'all my lovely babes!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


