
Cyanide and Ice guns?

Olivia's pov:

I dunno why but I just made a fool out of myself. But it's not my fault he's cute right? Whatever.

This building is.. huge. This is like 3 times bigger than our headquarters in LA. How rich are these guys actually? They seem rich but don't sound or act rich. Weirdos.

"Okay look." The tall translator guy - Joon? Said while showing me some picture on his phone. It was the picture of an older guy, around 35-40 years old, a bit bulkier, and looked like a human being instead of the sculpted doll looks these guys had. Maybe he looked like that when he was younger too who knows?

"Okay so, this is Bang PD-nim."

"Bang what?" That name was hella weird leaving me thinking whether this guy was in a gang of somekind. Like a gangster maybe? Why would anyone's name be bang bang or whatever?

"Bang PD-nim. It's like a respectful term we use around here. If you see him, you should bend down 90 degrees, put your arms in and bow.. like this." He said, showing me how to bow. "Understood?" Wow now he sounds like my 1st grade teacher. Boy I'm not a 4 year old. I'm a grown ass lady. Stop it.

He stood there bending down, probably waiting for me to try it too. I thought he would get up if I didn't try but looks like he is going to stand up straight anytime soon. Oh god this is embarrassing. Guess I just have to do it. How big a deal is it anyway?

Gosh said too soon. He just keeps staring me down. Am I doing it wrong or what? Isn't ten times enough? Is this like an agent drill or what? I thought I had left that training behind a long long while ago..

"Gosh. How many times do I have to do it in front of Mr. Bang?"

"Just one."

"Just one? Then why didn't you stop me when I made a fool of myself right now?"

"You look like a chicken trying to peck grain that's why I didn't stop you. Maybe practice makes perfect?"

"You! You!" Oh how I wish I could rip that stupid smirk off of his face. Just wait till I get back to my own body. Just wait.

"Okay then let's go. So, Bang PD-nim is like the founder, the owner of this whole company, called Bighit. We have contracts here. But it's even a closer relationship than you think. And we also have some other managers, producers and other people who work with us. You have to bow to every one of them."

"Yes SIR!!" I said, while saluting him. Hope my back will still be okay after all the bowing.

"Just bow and try not to open your mouth. Suga doesn't talk much. So they'll think you are ill or something if you open your mouth okay?" "And also Olivia, please drop the 'Yes Sir' ritual."

"Yes SIR" I said, knowing that would annoy him even more. I just remembered that I forget how fun it is to annoy people. He gave me that are-you-being-serious-right-now? Kinda look.

"Yes SIR. I'll drop the 'Yes SIR' ritual, SIR!"

"Pfft. So childish. And listen. To say 'hello', say 'Annyeonghaseyo'." "Come on say it with me? 'Annyeonghaseyo'."

Now he sounds exactly like a kindergarten teacher. "'Onion' what?"

"No it's 'Annyeonghaseyo'."

He said that slowly for me to catch up but I probably sounded weird because the receptionist was already staring at the both of us. Wow what a great start to making it without getting caught.

"Forget it. Just don't open your mouth. I'll deal with all the talking. Just act like a stuck up asshole."

"Got it."

That should be easy enough for me since most of the compliments I hear were 'why are you acting like a stuck up asshole?'. This Suga guy seems so much like me. Maybe this is fate who knows?

Joon walked in front of me and bowed to the receptionist. I followed suit, but she looked at me weirdly before bowing back.

We walked through a hallway that had a lot of pictures on both walls.

This place is so spick and span this is making me nauseous.


"What happened?" The translator guy asked me.

"I don't know to be honest." Why is my finger bleeding out of nowhere? It looked like it was cut with a sharp knife. But I was just walking? Weird.

"Here hold it tight." Joon said as he handed me a tissue to stop blood from dripping all over the floor. There were already a few drops of blood which he wiped with another tissue paper. These guys are so weirdly humble to be world famous stars.

He also got me a kid's bandaid from the first aid box which had unicorn pictures on it. All the while mumbling something about not letting hobi or something see the blood. Is he the janitor? Wait isn't hobi the hope guy? Huh? Whatever.


Yoongi's POV:

"Aish. This is why I shouldn't eat from other people's houses. It was a piece of cucumber for God's sake.. why did I have to cut my finger along with it?"

Blood dripped off of my finger onto the white kitchen counter.

I guess I have to walk around the whole house to find the first aid box. Gosh. This is tiring. Wait what? Why did it stop bleeding? It just closed? What? Wasn't it bleeding like tons like a moment ago? Huh?

Weird. "Good riddance. Now I don't have to scour the whole house for a band aid."

"I'm hungry." "Does this girl have no food in her home at all?"

"And why would someone have a password lock for a refrigerator? What's in there? Cyanide and ice guns? Stupid girl. I'm starving."

"Should I just go back to sleep?"

Even though the idea sounds tempting, I need to feed this stomach thing. It's growling at me. Should I go to a supermarket or something and buy ramen? You can't Min Suga. You're famous. There would be saesangs. Wait. I'm in this girl's body!! Omo! That means I can go anywhere!! Unless she's famous too..

I don't think she is. I'll just pick some food from the supermarket!! Hah this is life!!!. Hope no one disturbs me. I could get used to eating, lying down and rolling around.


I know I know guys. You'll get your main chapters soon, instead of these fillers. But this chapter contained something important too.. whatever hurts one of them, hurts the both of them. See?

And I'm expecting at least 10 votes and reads for this chapter before the next chapter update!! ^_^^_^

Anyway guys!! Bye!!!