

In the previous chapter (chapter-22):

"Yeah let's go dude. Let's see what this huge deal is." I said, and cracked my knuckles and my neck. I walked like a model on a ramp, but that, was only until my foot stepped out on the stage.

Oops.. bad decision. Bad bad, really bad decision.



Olivia's (in Suga's body) POV:

As soon as I stepped on that stage, I knew that it was the biggest mistake of my life. People who saw me started chanting something louder. I only heard some gibberish before I felt my legs ready to give way any second and to avoid that, my legs just froze in that place.

The bright stage lights almost blinding my eyes, and the fans were holding some light bulbs and screaming. This is not what I signed up for..

Should I just run back? Ugh.. lemme just sneak back… I slowly sneaked back and tried to hide behind the rest of the guys, but to my ill-luck, the translator guy, aka Joon saw me and stood right before me, staring me down with folded arms. Uh-oh..

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked me, his eyes almost goggling mine out of their sockets due to that intense laser stare.

"Um.. I- ba- I mean.. restroom... I guess?" I said,with a nervous laugh at the end, his intense stare making me stutter. Girl when did you become this much of a coward? Stupid Athena. Why are you jutting in my matters Athena? Olivia the fearless will handle this.

Am I fighting with myself? Argh seriously????

But he didn't seem to believe me. Of Course what was I thinking? Duh.

"Are you being serious? You just daunted off onto the stage..  now you wanna go to the restroom?"

"Dude.. never stop a lady from going to the restroom.  What if I was on my period?? I would have clawed your pretty little face off!!!"

I said, making a clawing kitten gesture.

He just stood there, single eyebrow raised and stared and me more intensely.  That's when I realized..

"Oh.." I was in a guy's body. So a period trick won't work huh???.. sigh..

"I know you're scared and nervous." He said, pulling my hoodie more over my face. "Its okay to be so. But you have to come on stage. Its Suga hyung's career you're putting on the line."

"I- don't intend on doing so.. it's just the number of people out there and my sociophobia don't go well together." I said, shivering a bit when I said that.

"Come on.. you can hold my hand if that reassures you. Don't look at the crowds. Look at the floor of the stage. Suga hyung has a sociophobia too. But he considers everyone in the crowd as his family who helped him get to this height. It helps.. believe me.

I looked into his eyes and they showed pure concern and truth. But am I gonna hold his hand? Pfft no.. "You wish dude.. I ain't gonna hold your hand.."

He just rolled his eyes at me, because I turned his honest offer.

I walked onto the stage, this time, side to side with Joon and the others were already saying something over the mic.. probably to announce our late arrival.

But as soon as I stepped onto the spotlight,  phobia hit me again. I started sweating and my throat contracted,  the oxygen to my brain stopping for a while.. blinding me and leaving me wondering if I could get hypoxia and die.

I looked at Joon and my hand slipped into his unknowingly.  And it was reassuring to know that someone is there with me with each step I take, holding my hand.

I heeded his advice and looked to the ground, as he clutched my hand harder while yelling "ARMY!!" into the mic. The stage floor was slippery and so polish that I could almost see my reflection.

I turned my head a bit to my right to see Jimin  standing there, and behind him, an ocean of purple lights. They were very loud and chanted their names I guess? Continuously, without even stopping for breath.

Then I saw their faces, so happy, I've never seen anyone this happy in the past 17 years of my life, I could swear. It was as if they existed in a world of their own, a world that had no worries and pain at all.

I made sure not to make eye contact with any of the fans. Joon said something in Korean and everyone laughed.. at me? Why???? Oh..maybe it's because of my dressing?? That was the idea wasn't it?

Anyway.. I slowly lifted my head up to see an even bigger ocean of purple lights, glistening and gleaming as they shook it up and down without a rest. The lights were so bright, bright enough to be stars in the night sky.

My hand was sweating all over my mic, but I couldn't give a shit about that now.. this is so beautiful.  I just walked onto the stage and I'm already jealous that these guys get to do this everyday.

A tune came up on the speakers, and the fans just yelled. It was a bop from the very first listen I guess..  Joon started with "You can call me idol~ You can call me artist."

"Hah. That's all I understood before he mumbled some gibberish.. and then Jhope rapped something, before hitting my side. I took it as a hint and put the mic near my mouth, holding it like Joon said. Hope this goes well.

I just bobbed my head up and down, sweating litres. Jhope kicked my leg from behind me, all while dancing slightly, and I stopped and put my hand down, while just sauntering through the whole stage with him because we both were in weird outfits.

The rest of them? They were awesome dancers. I could see the difference in their styles, but all of them danced perfectly.  I could tell they probably practiced for hours and hours, because they were perfectly in sync with each others movements. Concentrating on one of them was like concentrating on all of them.

This feels like a dream come true. I have never experienced something like this, ever in my life. I've always been working in the dark all my life. Just the blood and the gore. Now I know why these boys chose this as their alibi.

I could feel my broken ribs starting to poke my skin, threatening to pierce through.

But I didn't care right now.. I felt all of my worries vanishing away, as I stood there, watching the ecstasy on their face.

I felt a tear rolling down my cheeks as I remembered myself as a little girl who once wished to stand on a stage like this.

And in that split second,  I wished they would tell me name. But that couldn't happen could it? That isn't even near the life I'm leading huh?

And out of my eyes fogged up with tears, I saw Jhope nodding at me and I started that head bobbing action again. But this time, I let myself get lost within the flow of the rap, so I stopped perfectly when it ended, without Jhope having to tell me. When I opened my eyes, I saw him give me a nod of acknowledgement.

A while after the song ended, the members went backstage three or four in number and Joon stood on the stage, talking with his fans. They replied in sync to whatever he said.

He suddenly brought the mic to me, and held it in front of me. The camera zoomed in on my face and I could see Suga's face on the big screen. And since it wasn't me I was seeing, my phobias didn't kick in.

I just stared at him and the mic, not knowing what to say.

"Did you love the concert of today until now Suga hyung?" Asked Joon.

"I- Yeah.. I did." I replied in English since he questioned me in English and looked down as my tears threatened me to reveal my soft side.

Or as I call her, Athena.

Jimin and Taehyung came near me. While V placed his hand on my back, Jimin put a hand under my chin and brought my head up, wiping my tears off my cheek.

Did I make Suga seem like a guy who cries over nothing? Will he hate me that I spoilt his swag?

The faces of all the fans flashed from a range of happy to sad to proud and they were all almost tearing up.

I looked back to the entrance to backstage and saw Kookie returning.  This time he wore a pair of torn Jeans, which showed off his bruised knees. Did he not notice that? Makeup covered the purple marks on his face, but his knees were completely bruised.

And when it was my turn to get off stage, I didn't wanna go. Even if it was just for a refreshment, I didn't wanna go. I didn't want this to end.

I don't want this to end..


Hey guys.. I think that's it for today.. yeah.. just one long chapter.  My mom's already yelling at me.

Sorry guys..

Love y'all

AND!! Got contacted from the wattpad hq, and I just entered this story on wattys2019!!!!! Aaaaaaaaaah..

Hope I get nominated.. it would mean the whole world to me!!!

Remember, if no one told you today, you are beautiful and special. And I love you.