
The next day Vladimir woke. He dressed and set out as usual towards their next wreckage.

Recoil turned up a little later than normal - understandable given the previous day's events.

With a nod at each other they started their work.

It was mid-afternoon, when they heard the sounds of barking from down the mountain. Over time, they noticed the barking was growing nearer.

Recoil turned to Vladimir when she finally realised what was happening, - "A tracker dog!" She said. They've got a tracker dog! They're probably searching for yesterday's O.S.

"Come get out of here Recoil, grab your tools, we can head towards the tip and lose them in the stench." he replied.

He grabbed Recoil's arm and as he did she swung out at him with her wrench. He was fortunate to dodge the blow. "Why are you hitting me. Recoil? What the hell!" - he shouted.

Then he realised he had touched her! Arrgh.. he thought lucky I dodged that!

She already had her tools packed and on her back. And was running off toward the tip.

Vladimir ran too, sprinting as he glanced over his shoulder whilst dodging strewn meta..

Crazy girl, he said. Hahaha!

They didn't manage to make it to the tip, quickly ducking behind a wreck, to avoid being seen.

Vladimir slid in beside Recoil. After a few minutes they looked out from behind the wreck.

Two O.S's had reached their work-site, their dog appeared to be sniffing crazily around the spot where they had killed the O.S. the previous day. The dog's not tracking us, he said. He's tracking the O.S. we killed, realised Vladimir.