Dump the O.S's bodies and leave

Once Recoil was released, they hurriedly made plans to leave..

"I'll hide the bodies whilst you grab your things." Vladimir hurried Recoil.

Near Recoil's camp there was a cliff like area, which overhung a huge mound of waste. It smouldered burning below the surface throughout the summer and would be perfect for dumping the two O. S's bodies.

It would be difficult to find evidence of what had transpired and track them down now.

Vladimir threw the body's over the cliff's edge and sat sipping Gatorade. There was some sizzling and popping, soon there was no trace of the men.

He watched for a while, then recapped his imitation Gatorade and strolled back to see if Recoil was packed to leave.

Living under the O. S's had not been an easy life.

When he returned, she was ready, seated with a pack slung over her back.

"Belokurikha, we'll trek there and make camp near the thermal waters. I hear its safer there away from the wreck sectors and its thugs. Does that sound ok Vladimir?" Recoil asked.

He thought for a moment nodded and then said. "Let's set out."

So, they began their journey.

They passed through the scavenge sectors on the way to Belokurikha largely unseen, occasionally they saw other scavengers who paid them very little attention who seemed more worried about who they were running from.

Finally, they reached the borders of the Sectors, scaled a huge barbed wire fence and when over it and free breathed sighs of relief at their accomplishment.

It had been easier then they thought..