Can I Elp...

I had been worried about setting out again for the final leg of the journey to Belokurikha with the Mountain Dog having been so severely injured the previous day.

However, the Ovcharka seemed stronger and healthier then ever.

Recoil with her keen eye had scavenged thru the bandit camp, gathering iron implements, knives/tools and we had swapped some items of our own with the bandits.

We were strapping on our own packs, as well as an additional for each of us when the Mountain dog approached and stood watching me. How are you dog? I asked?

The dog replied as it had been continuously learning.. "Ready!!"

Hahaha I laughed,...then said..... "Heavy", the dog.

The dog turned from me and my load and approached Recoil.. and said.. elp, me elp..!

Recoil smiled at the dog whilst I shook my head thinking. "Traitor"

It hadn't offered me any of this ...elp.. elp, stuff!!

Recoil smiled and laid her packs on the ground then she began scouring the campsite for canvas, rope and wood. Before long she had fashioned a sled for the Ovcharka.

Soon, we were finally off with the Mountain Dog now carrying the majority of Recoil's load.

Meanwhile I trudged behind grunting, with Recoil and the Mountain Dog up front talking..