Peering through the door.

They took it in turns to watch the sleeping Zoya.

It had just turned day when Recoil left the room to find Vladimir sleeping seated by the door with Mountain Dog beside him.

Recoil nudged Vlad with he foot. Vlad woke and smiled.

Some one took over from you? He asked.

The Arkady - the Lieutenant is in there now.

Zoya's breathing seems fine.. We'll have to wait and see when she waits.

Then from within they heard the sound of two voices talking excitedly, the lieutenant's and a second..

One thing was sure - within the room.. Zoya was awake and he voice wasnt feeble any more..

Recoil opened the door slightly, excitedly.

Within the room Zoya was awake, she was standing arms around the Lieutenant and they were kissing..

They did not even notice Recoil peering in at them.

Quietly she closed the door.. smiled at Vladimir and took his hand..

What is it? said Vlad, what has happened.. Recoil smiled at Vlad leaned into him and kissed him.