Into the Monastery.

The riders crossed the Dam over the Ob river together and approached their Monastery Head Quarters. The Lieutenant lead the Riders within its walls and had them wait while he found a senior officer and reported their numbers as having successfully from their escort. Once he had satisfied protocol he assigned Vladimir to one of the returning riders instructing him to show Vladimir stabling procedures for his mount. The Rider explained that their first priority after a ride was to care for their horses.

Then he gave Vladimir a tour of the Monastery, it was a large white walled compound and in its center stood a church with Three Gold Crosses. We call yourselves brothers, the Rider said jokingly as he showed Vladimir a range of facilities, a dinning hall, toilets, a place for washing and then finally to his room. His room was sparsely equipped with only a small desk, a wooden stool and bed -but most important of all it was warm. Arrgh, thought Vladimir to himself.. I'm a monk..

The rider patted Vladimir on his back and said, clean-up, then dinner tonight in the hall and then tomorrow come enjoy some training. He grinned then at Vladimir and left.

That night Vladimir slept soundly, peacefully finally enjoying the comfort of a bed and the warmth of a room.