Pamela's cognitive load absorbtion rate..

When most of us read, (the unenhanced) we fixate upon a point of the page and work left to right or right to left depending on the language.. As we do so we absorb the material we're reading and progress towards the pages end. And we repeat this moving from one point of fixation on to the next at a rate based on our cognitive load absorption rate for the particular text(our ability to understand the text).

Some texts have different cognitive load absorbation rates, based on a few different things eg complexity of the subject matter (ie.. Science Texts), the authors failings (poor grammar, font choice, etc).

Pamela with her Scientist/Engineer/Tech Enhancement found that she had been blessed her with the capacity to read and understand a whole page of scientific text by fixating upon a central point of the page. With just that seconds glance... her optic nerve could capture, retain and transmit the entire page into her brain which dutifully processed it, grasped its meaning as a whole and filed it for future reference..

So in between the duties of a library assistant, Pamela would pass a book randomly, pick it up and read it all with a few mere passing minutes..

Whilst still on her first day as a library assistant, Pamela had understood such scientific concepts as diverse as Clinical Neuropsychology, C++ Programming, to the processes of breeding and rearing a Galapagos turtle..

And so she went about her duties, reading volume upon volume whilst caring for the collection of books..

But from the sum total of 15,000,000 books it was a mere drop in the ocean..