Always first up and active..

Vladimir's intelligence officer enhancement meant he would almost always be up first and out active before everyone else.

He searched out the kennels and soon had found the Ovcharka asleep curled up with a beautiful Samoyed.

Using the mental connection Vladimir spoke to the dog, "Rurik! Get your lazy ass up!"

Vladimir urged using his mental connection to the sleeping dog.

One of the Ovcharka's eyes opened, which spotted Vladimir.. then excitedly both eyes and the dog jumped up out of the kennels and ran towards Vladimir.. jumping up forward onto him with its front legs..

When Rurik had calmed down. He spoke, do you like my wife - he spoke and turned to the Samoyed.. Her name is Tasha!! She is the most beautiful dog in the world.. the Ovcharka spoke rapidly.. We do it every day.. he said.. you know what I'm talking about.. hehehe!!

Vladimir started well.. and replied. "You can't tell anyone that you do it Rurik..!" Thats wrong.. hahaha.. " "Its a rule for good husbands, you never talk about sex with your wives.."

Rurik.. listened..and then said. "Dog's don't have this rule.. but I can probably start it in the dog world, I suppose!"

"True, Vladimir answered. "That would be appropriate.."

So you are going to stay here now?? Questioned the Ovcharka.

"I still have some training to do, but I will to find somewhere to stay near here as soon as I can, near to you and Pamela.." Vladimir replied. "I have joined the Riders. You have a beautiful wife, you had better stay here and look after her.." "When my training finishes you can come join me on patrols for some adventure and we can hunt together too."

"Come for a run with me now. But you might not be able to keep up with me.. Ovcharka.." he challenged the dog.

Rurik looked at Vladimir then back at the sleeping Samoyed. He left Vladimir's side.. nuzzled her head a few times until she had woken and eyed him speculatively barked at her a few times.

Then he rejoined Vladimir and said - "See if you can keep up.."

And they ran off together into the cold dark morning at a very fast pace..

The morning was too cold for most. It was still dark around them, no one would see them running unnaturally fast so they increased their pace.. until they were running at about 50km per hour.

(The fastest human in the world has been clocked at 44.72km/h - U.Sane Bolt for a part of his 100 meters race.). Coupled with their enhanced vision and clear roads they had no problems maintaining the pace. When the glow of a new day began to appear they slowed their pace and began making their way home together.

Back home.. Rurik.. was extremely happy to have Vladimir back.. there is nothing more that pleases a dog then to run with a friend..