The Fox Bites Back (1)

The general rule throughout the Celestial Heavens was that although harming mortals with spiritual energy was something that had severe consequences, cultivators didn't fall into the category of simple mortals. They were a strange sort of mortals with an extended lifespan, and they were able to manipulate spiritual energy as well. Therefore, Xue Yao was perfectly capable of involving herself with cultivators if she wished as a protective measure.

Staring with extreme distaste at the cultivator who held her in his hands, she was about to quickly bite him to make him let go of her since it still wasn't particularly safe to reveal her identity as a spiritual fox in a sect like this, and sects also had numerous restrictive spells that prevented her from expanding her true powers.

However, before she did, the cultivator said a strange phrase that made her a little shocked that he jumped to a conclusion like this so fast.

"Hey, look at how this fox stares at me as if she understands what we're saying! Could it be that she's not an ordinary fox, but a spirit?"

Taking advantage of his moment of speculation, Xue Yao clamped down hard on his finger, biting so hard that she tasted blood in her mouth.

A loud scream erupted from the cultivator who was holding her. Pain made him drop her, but it was this same pain and loud yell that drew the attention of more people than before.

He looked with disbelief at his bleeding finger, watching as blood dripped out of it onto the floor. It was a small cut, and surely it wasn't that painful, but his reaction wasn't over exaggerated either. Cultivating disciples were typically not used to unexpected physical pain since all moments of battles were ones they were prepared for.

"Y-you—!" He held out his bleeding finger, shaking it at her.

Xue Yao internally gave him a shrug, as if saying, "oops, sorry", and dashed out of the crowd, slipping between their legs.

The cultivator, with more and more anger building on his face that he let a mere fox harm him, pointed in her direction. "Martial brothers— chase after that fox! If I don't skim that fur of its back today, then my name is not Zhang Baiyan!"

Xue Yao found herself back in the forest, not too far from the gates she entered the sect through, before the cultivators caught up to her.

She expected this. Cultivators moved faster with their skills, and all she did was run like a normal fox. They were bound to catch up to her sooner or later, but the difference was that she led them out of the sect now.

She no longer had anything to fear and could unleash all of her powers.

"White fox, did you realize that we would catch up to you so soon?" The cultivator who she bit before smirked. His finger seemed to be healed now, to no surprise. Physical injuries healed quickly for cultivators. He also seemed to be the leader of the group, since he had three other cultivators following behind him for no other purpose but to feel more secure about himself.

"What last words do you have?" he asked condescendingly, a smirk still on his face. "Oh wait, I forgot, you don't have any. You can't even speak."

"Who said I couldn't speak?"

Xue Yao raised her eyebrows, making her voice echo through the grounds.

A look of surprise quickly crossed the leading cultivator, but it vanished as soon as it came. "So… you're a spirit after all, aren't you?"

With cultivators, Xue Yao could communicate since they weren't as simple minded as mortals and learned the ways of the deities. She didn't find any need to not reveal her identity when she was about to use her skills that an ordinary fox would not have soon.

She yawned and sat down in the grass. "Do you really have to state the obvious? Aren't all of you coming here for a reason? Less talk, more action, will you?"

The lead cultivator, Zhang Baiyan, was a little irritated that she was treating him so carelessly and didn't seem to show any fear at all. He was one of the best disciples in his division already. Although he didn't have as much spiritual energy as the very best— he only had one thousand years— the speed of his progress was praised by his master himself. The martial brothers behind him weren't that bad either. They all had five hundred years and more. How could such a small spirit fox look down on them like this?

So, in an instant, he summoned his sword. Behind him, the other disciples did as well, though they didn't think that they needed to do anything to defeat this small fox.

With a wave of his hand, the sword flew forward, slicing at the direction of the fox. Meanwhile, the fox was completely not paying attention, more absorbed in a small yellow butterfly that was fluttering near them.

The moment that the sword flew right at her neck, ready to cut into her fur, it was suddenly flung back, sailing a few feet away from her.

Zhang Baiyan's eyes widened.

This fox— it wasn't an ordinary one!

How did she deflect his sword so easily? Did she wear a protective amulet, or was it possible that she had the same amount— or even more— spiritual energy than him?

Instantly, his attitude changed from a confident one to more cautious. This was not just a simple fox to deal with. The attitude of his martial brothers behind him all changed as well, noticing that the situation was a bit off from what they predicted.

"Martial brothers! If we all attack at once, that's the smartest idea!" he yelled in command.

The three behind him nodded. What he said made sense.

So, with a flurry of hand movements, all of them directed their swords to slice in her direction. And then, with wide eyes, they watched as all four of the swords deflected off of her right before they got anywhere close to harming her, being pushed off to feet away again.


How was she doing this?

They didn't see any special movements or gestures she made to shield herself!

So, how was she able to deflect everything without moving an inch?

Xue Yao yawned again, tearing her gaze off of the butterfly that entertained her for a while.

"Is that it? The best of your abilities? Last time I remembered, cultivators were pretty weak, but not this much. You must be the four worst disciples of your group."

She stood up, stretching herself.

"I guess it's my turn now."