preVIOUS TESCO meal deal 0/????????

Hello basiclu. thisw isa chapter of when barishibiba blong dong and britishvaper983 became a pair of electrons orbiting an atom as soon as they laid their eyes upon the dor1tos british flavour.

Technically, right. According to the standard Big Bang model, the universe was born during a period of inflation that began about 13.8 billion years ago. Like a rapidly expanding balloon, it swelled from a size smaller than an electron to nearly its current size within a tiny fraction of a second.

Initially, the universe was permeated only by energy. Some of this energy congealed into particles, which assembled into light atoms like hydrogen and helium. These atoms clumped first into galaxies, then stars, inside whose fiery furnaces all the other elements were forged.

This is the generally agreed-upon picture of our universe's origins as depicted by scientists. It is a powerful model that explains many of the things scientists see when they look up in the sky, such as the remarkable smoothness of space-time on large scales and the even distribution of galaxies on opposite sides of the universe.

But there are things about this story that make some scientists uneasy. For starters, the idea that the universe underwent a period of rapid inflation early in its history cannot be directly tested, and it relies on the existence of a mysterious form of energy in the universe's beginning that has long since disappeared. Before this tho barishi doge coin biba rigfht and monarch of britiauin 983was sarching for the dorit0s 20% polyester flavour. it is not fully known what events occuredduring this period of time, but scientists speculate that both tears off his shirt boi boi and ruler of the water britain empire 983 engaged in thorough domestic violence in which they beat thweir spouses viiolently untill they could neither walk nor talk, before vacuuming up the asbestos that was struck outof the very sticks they usedto beat them.

From an outsider's perspective,the very ideaof domestic violence is very appealing, but itcan be saidthat at such a strange time of which the knowen universe today does not exist, the notion of beating your spouse to deaath is nhot quite afvisable. this would imply that the mental states of bingishinbing bing bing bong and duke of the rulr of the puddle was not very stable. they werw MENTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLL.

"smegmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. cock CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE." the two said in unison, repeating it a dozen times beforethe cashier casta devestating left hook, beheading them and leaving them to float in the void as headless corpses with very dapper suits. "i just canoot find the dor1tos menopause flavour, and it is PISING me off" blodvaper 983 devloped several airborne illnesses dueto his poor oral hygiene caused by munching on several of his fingers, then hands, then forearm. Soon he ate himself and was reborn as duke orf blodvaper and barisherab boi boi raised his eyebrow 20 meters above his co-planar 4th dimensional forehead. "Can I watch??" bashly bradford's voice echoed from bijbolmenas' right cheek, causing himto metamorphosiseinto a perfectly euclidean sphere, before he rapidly gained momentum ina given directionand causeda disasterous vehicular car crash.

Seeing this blodvappa98 69 69 was dumbfounded quoting take offyour clothesay take off your oxidation say shake off your constipation, but it was not possible and he went to the toiletfor next month or so keanu reaves epicchungus.

Knowing that the waving baptist989 has probably gone to the meal deal section, elbow browser boi boi was no longer a frictionous entity, which caused the momentum he had previously conserved fronm the ruinous car crash earlier to propel him across the slippery floor. "How very problematic" forearm boi boi observed, and it was true as his body sliding along the floor dedimated thelegs of 450 victims running as fast asthey can away from the armour piercing projectile that he was. "why you coming fast?" my nameis jeff. Barisheraba bababaoiboi was appalled by this display of anger but as an incredibly lubricated bag of prawn cocktail crisps, he could not stop, and had to eat the floor to gain mass such that his velocity would decrease,simply due to following the conservation ofmass and energy.

meanwhile,in the meal dealsection, blongvappa waas busy getting cheeky come say dance partners getting freakyyyy. With the demeanour of an unvaccinated albanian, jos tot downloaded delicious girls mahjong solitaire, his favourite game right after twister, and recieved an awardfor his amazing speedrun. This wasnotonlybecause he was the first speedrunner ever, asthr big bang ahdnt startwed yetkbut because he did not even realise he was speedrunning, but rather hisimmense thirst fordelciious girls mahjojg solitaire had taken over his british mind and had filled his mind with dark thoughts. hacving playedecliousgirls manhjongsolitairefor 100 decades he had finally ebcome such a amssdter at the tame that he played on 500 supercomputers atthe sametimeandhis aaddiction hadnobounds, indeed,his craving for delicioujsgitrls mahjong solitaire hadtruly fhanged theperson he was,and all he xcou;dn,c thionk offff ,,,,,,,,,,vwqss SDECLIIOUS GIRLS MAHJONGOLASITARIRWE

It was atthe moment of blodvappas fall that barisherab boi boi, having eaten the entire reality's stockworth of floor boards and spicy snahck micks (mix), bounced offthe wall 893557348 times aroudn the corner, into blongvappa's receding hairline, Stunned by the sheer powerof this unfortunate collision, jos cot could nolongerplay derlciious girlsmahjongsolitairefrorasplitsecond causinghismind torelapse and fiorcuing hinm uitno an infantile state. "youarea vegetable|" bingilingibongobongonboi boi boiiii observed and he quuicklycame up with the plan of taking out his nokia 6969 to call reec aloe vera who was currently, atthe moment, of this timeperiod, in the future.

reel aloma skeptical of it being butter avora was busy fishing for his sushi when suddenly, his phone vibrated causing his entire skeleton to shatter and his nervous system to collapse as his body shot through the ceiling of the co-op into the stratosphere. "ello new phone indentify yourself" reec aloevera, who had been set alight from flying through the ozone, applied body lotion and brought the phone to his medium well, char grilled ear.

"right so basicly right last night i was in my garden inspecting the particles of dirt around my house for anysigns of weeds when a weed suddenly grew in the middle of my garden and wrapped around me and then flung me into the air before smashing me into the ground, through the earth's core, through the sun and into interstellar space. it was only then that i realised that the weed that had done this was actually mr gloybraith making good use of edp445's foreskin's unique ability as a fertilizer to rapidly grow and overcome me in battle. Thismay be alittle alarming but thankfully i have already formulated a counter strategy, involving grabbing edp445's foreskin and entering his urethra before swimming into his testicles and unleashing a variety of relentless barrages to his unshielded and unprotected testicles, one hand for each testicle and alternating until you are finally pushed back out of his urethra via a wave of high pressure cupcake mixture." bangishibab boi explained to reema aleema.

"lidl £9.50 to £9.70 an hour. iceland retail system they onlywant 11at £9 an hour guys" reec angneera promptly replied the job payment of these jiobs and finally and fully burnt down to a crisp.

jong scongoverhearing this conversation was brought back to his former self from the lightof knwoing that jobs atr albi areavailable and all was well onlyit wasnt cuz they did not find the asbestos dorit0s ffs goddaamn