The Demonic Dire Wolves

Mist clouded everything in sight.

Low growls can be heard echoing from a far as silhouettes emerged then disappeared all together . Unknown creatures hid their bodies in the shadows as they stalked their prey, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

Alina readied her sword as she navigated through the mist. Her feautures didnt portra any emotion other than spine chilling indifference engraved deep winthin her bones.

Moments later, from her left direction, the mist abruptly parted. A wolf with two heads charged into her direction with blood and saliva dripping from it's mouth. Alina didnt even bother looking at it clearly as she swung her sword vertically when it pounced on her. The two headed wolf stilled as it landed on the ground. Blood eventually dripped from it's center as it's body seperated into two. It hit the ground, spewing litters of blood to the soil.

Alina flicked her sword as blood painted the land underneath her. The sword once again regained it's shiny luster, absolved from gore and blood.

It seems like she'd been surrounded...

Two headed wolves appeared from every direction.Their Barks and howls were deafening as their eyes, glowing with the murderous color of red, locked in on her. They formed a circle, trapping Alina in the middle

"So It's a pack of demonic dire wolves" Alina neither panicked nor expressed any sign of fear. She maintained an stoic expression as she glance at the wolves in disdain.

The wolves didn't dare act rashly this time as they saw the human infront of them kill one of their kind with not much effort. They circled in on her, searching for her weakspot and planning their manner of attack.

Alina saw their farce. Her lips curved into a mocking smile as she raised her sword above her head.

The wolves saw her gesture and retreated several feet away in vigilance.

A bright red color painted Alinas sword as she swiftly chanted several ancient words. On the tip of her sword, a flower that is made from scalding hot flames bloomed. The temperature surged even higher as her chanting increased in speed.

Fear engulfed the pack of wolves as they felt the meteoric rise of magic power, pressuring them to the ground.They attempted to flee. Their intimidating Barks and howls were immediately replaced by incessant whimpers

The flower on Alina's sword spun, hurling countless petals at the fleeing wolves.

It was simply a one sided massacre. The wolves didn't even have any means to retaliate as they fell one by one with bloody holes covering their body.

Alina looked at the carnage before her with sheer indifference.

She pondered when was the last time she felt excited during a battle. The exhilarating feeling she felt when battling an enemy then had simply left her... Now, fighting for her had become something that she must do to survive and a duty she is required to fulfill. She no longer saw the meaning in involving any feelings while fighting as she only strived to kill her enemies.

After the last of the wolves fell. Her sword regained it's former appearance as the temperature returned back to normal.

She put her sword back into its scabbard. Her eyes trailed towards the numerous bloodied corpses lifelessly lying on the ground, and her eyes turned several times colder.

Demonic dire wolves were beast on the fourth level. They are more intelligent than other normal beast and they are also much more superior in strength, making them a force that is not to be reckoned with by adventurers that is only in the silver rank and below.

Demonic dire wolves never strayed far from it's habitat so why were they here on the outskirts of the forbidden lands?

Alina deliberated over it. Her gaze skimmed through the mutilated bodies. A rather peculiar mark on one of the wolves, attracted her attention as she approached and bent down before the wolf whose face was mangled far beyond the point of recognition.

She parted it's fur and she saw an unsightly wound. It seemed to have been inflicted some time ago as it already started to scab.

Her hand pressed against the edge of the wound and a greenish pur like substance trickled out. Alina immediately covered her mouth as she prevented herself from inhaling the fumes gushing out from the wound with the greenish substance.

It was actually the organ devouring poison!

Her brows furrowed, a slight hint of frustration was present on her face.

This kind of poison can only be found on the venomous phyton which was a level ten beast. Furthermore the poison that it ejects is highly dangerous as it isn't only present in it's fangs, but also in it's scales!

It's scales were razor sharp and a single cut is all it takes to transfer the poison. Once the poison enters the victim's system, it targets the organs and slowly eats it away. The victim can only wait for his impending doom if the poison isn't t treated by the antidote within an hour, so this wolf would've inevitably died even if she hadn't killed it.

She distanced herself from the corpses and only then did she uncover her mouth.

It seemed like it would get much more troublesome later...

A/N: OMG thank you for all the support on this book! This chapter is dedicated to all the people who had further encouraged me on continuing on with my writing. Thank you Ed_The_Reader, Krents Keifer, Null, Aquashot, KagamiVessel, KattieMoDonathan and specially Bolaxaaa for being the first reviewer of this book (*^﹏^*)