Strange Way Of Levelling Up (1)

This Chapter is dedicated to TheDaoistDumpling and KatieMoDonathan. Thank you for voting with your powerstones!

"Hamond, you must live. " Alina caressed Hamond's cheeks as her eyes flickered with unspeakable emotions. Her expression contained a hint of gentleness as she stared at Hamond's pale countenance, diluted with bruises like purple substances, spreading slowly on his skin. Alina's heart turned freezing cold as her fingers trailed on them.

She was too careless this time. Never would've she thought that the dark elves have concocted a poison even the high priestess cannot dispell. She clenched her firsts, struggling to contain her anger.

It was supposed to be her lying in bed, suffering from this dire situation but he had to... Her eyes brimmed with killing intent as her hands clenched even tighter, blood trickled from her nails as it pierced her skin.

"How long does he still have?" Alina said as a bright light suddenly enveloped the room. A vermilion bird with magnificent long feathers appeared from thin air. Flames hovered besides it's body.

"This human won't live that long. His organs had already started to rot from the poison and his nervous system had even started to deteriorate. If he's lucky enough, he might make it for some hours atleast."

Alina bit her lower lip. Her bloody hands became an even more frightening sight as her nails dugged deeper into her skin.

"Is there any way we can save him? "

"Yes there is. "

The dull right in her eyes dispersed as hope manifested in her heart .


"It will not be that easy. The process of obtaining the cure will be filled with countless danger. Are you sure you still want to? " The vermilion bird said with a serious tone.

The vermilion bird infront of her seldom warned her unless it concerned something that it believes is beyond her, this was something she noticed after experiencing countless trials together. However, she didn't dare let it dampen her spirits as she resolutely nodded her head.

The vermilion bird Shook it's head before heaving a soft sigh "The cure is in a hidden jungle, deep inside the heart of the forbidden lands. A tree towering in it's center has special roots that can detoxify any kind of poison."

Alina furrowed her brows as she heard the vermilion bird mention the forbidden lands. One must know that the forbidden lands only hosted death and destruction. It was inhabited by deadly creatures roaming around it's misty terrain. How was she supposed to collect the cure in just a few hours?

The vermilion bird seemed to have caught on to her worries so it replied immediately " Of course I can prolong his life for a bit longer. I can use my Divine flames to prevent the poison from further corroding his entire body. The flames might not be able to completely cure him but it can suppress it long enough for you to obtain the cure. However it will also limit my magical prowess, so you won't be able to rely on me that much on battle"

Alina heaved a sigh of relief before sending the vermilion bird a look of gratification.

"It's no problem. I can handle this myself" She said as her inanimated features eased up a bit.

The vermilion bird nodded before it waved it's wings. Blue flames enveloped Hamond's body until it merged with his figure.

" Let us now depart".

"Yes Master"


Meanwhile, Luke cursed his fate. Not only was he made into a tree, he was also degraded into a toilet. Heck, Why dont they even carve him into one while they're at it?

The culprit of Luke's Misfortune resumed it's sleep as if nothing happened, infuriating Luke to the point of vomiting blood. His body trembled in indignation, causing the manure that stuck to his body, to fall to the ground. As it hit the soil, Luke felt a comfortable warmth rush up to his body. The feeling of warmth engulfing him after being exposed to the numbing cold for too long, only made him feel blissful enough to die. It was just a truly satisfying feeling! If he had his body, he would've even convulsed on the ground due to the pleasure!

The warmth disappeared after a brief moment, confusing and leaving Luke feeling completely unsated. Why did it stop?

He pondered for a while before the cow once again opened it's eyes. It got up on it's feet. Eventually, a deflating balloon sound resonated. It again spewed a pile of manure, but this time it landed on the ground. The comfortable familiar warmth once again rushed into his body. Luke was torn between laughter and tears as he was suddenly enlightened. It really had to be feces...

His vision stayed on the lump of undigested fiber.He swallowed his complaints. Although he felt really wronged, it was still better than freezing to death. After all when you're in Rome do what Romans do!