More Work

~3rd Pov~

Slowly waking up from sleep, Nick sat up to look around the room. He was dazed from waking, but Nick got up anyway though and walk out of his room to get some breakfast from the kitchen. A strong smell of pancakes and eggs woke him right away. Walking through the house and seeing that Liz had vanished from the couch, he assumed she was the one cooking. To his surprise, Liz was sitting at the table and it was her father that was cooking the meal.

"Morning.." Nick started yawning.

"Hey kiddo, did you have a good night sleeping? Liz invited me over to make some breakfast since she can't be trusted to cook after the last time." Liz's father, Max, food was a great treat. Nick's family used to eat at their place a lot as they would go back and forth to cook for each other families.

"That pizza catching fire in the oven wasn't my fault!!" Liz defended herself from the accusation.

"Hehehe... I'm good on sleep, but I would love a stack of pancakes. I got to head out soon to check on my office and see how well everything has been going."

Liz and Max were confused about this office he had mentioned as he never spoke of an office before now. Liz was the first to question him.

"What office are you talking about? I didn't know you did anything outside of huntsmen's work."

"Oh yeah, I never told ya that before I left for Beacon. I had started a business called Bear Corp. I have a secretary that has been managing the whole thing with me helping where I could from Beacon."

Max looked dumbfounded.

"Wait so you're telling me that Bear Corps the third biggest company in remnant; that I've been working at as an engineer for 2 and half years, was yours?!"

Nick just nodded and it had just dawned upon Liz that her best friend was the boss of her father, while also being a millionaire.

"I want a job! Give me a job! Anything please just give me a job!"

Nick thought the Liz might have asked for a job, but he didn't have anything for her to do. He could just make a job for her.

"I'll think about as I don't think we need anyone as I still need to check on everything and do a lot of paperwork I've missed out on."

Liz beamed at the chance of a job in Bear Corp as she had heard rumors about it. She had heard that it was a very generous company with salaries, nice to faunus, a no racism tolerance and more. With it now clear to Liz that her friend is the Owner, it all made sense why a big company as Bear Corp was so kind toward employees and most customers.

"Liz darling, you should think about this more before you asked Nick for a job. He said it himself, there might not be a need for you to be hired."

"Well Max, I could just make her my bodyguard or at least a one for show.*Looks to Liz* I'll warn you Liz if you accept this I'll be training you to be more hmmm... well suited for the job." A smile had crept onto Nick's face after he spoke.

"I'll do it! Your parents also trained me on how to fight some bare-handed!" Liz had a smug smile thinking she would be able to show up Nick in some combat training.

~3 hours later, Afternoon~Home, Backyard~

Tired...tired was all Liz felt after Nick forcing her to spar with him for 2 hours. He had already been trained by the best and past through trails of fire by directly fighting both grim and bandits. She was out-matched by a long shot. Liz has been thrown around without landing a single hit as Nick just defended, deflect or countered her.

"I guess that's enough for today as I need to head to the office to actually get that job made for you. I might even add a gym at the office to help employees get in shape and also so we can spar at the office building during some breaks."

Liz barely even listened to Nick as she was too tired and sore to bother with anything. Seeing Liz like that Nick walked over to her and reach out his right hand to help her up. Liz reaches out and grabbed his hand while pulling herself up.

"Thanks for that... I'm gonna get some rest, also look behind you." Nick turned around at her words and saw nothing. Liz, on the other hand, jumped on his back while he was distracted.

Almost falling over Nick struggled to stand after she landed on him. By the time Nick had a stable footing, Liz had gotten her legs seated on his shoulders and holding onto his head for support.

"Liz get down...I still have to take a shower and get dress properly before leaving."

Liz made no attempt to get off his shoulders, so Nick started walking through the house and Liz had to duck to dodge at every doorway. After a few minutes, Nick was losing patience and time, so he walked to the kitchen and had Max help him get her off.

Liz had her fun and now's being lectured by her father. After a very quick shower and dressing up in his usual suit with his main weapons and the spare, Nick set out for the company buildings area.

~30 minutes later~Office, Lobby~

Nick has just arrived in the lobby of the office building, his secretary and her assistants waiting for him. He had called while on his way over to have a briefing of everything to catch up on the affairs of the company.

"Hey Amy, long time no see if we don't count the few breaks and weekends I came over to help."

"Yes and now that you're here to mostly stay around and be more of help. I think it's time we start a meeting to catch you up on everything we've been doing. The Chiefs of each product department have chosen to stay within their own department unless something has happened, need assistance or need something to continue with a project. So you won't meet them unless someone goes to the other. We also have the order of gear made for you from the weapons department. The entertainment department has gained many fans, viewers, and listeners by the show we have managed to create, recreate after buying ownership and bringing back the older shows. The Mercenary/Security department has been keeping our business safe while also keep a great record when they were hired to help villages, towns, or some of the city watch when they were short on people for a while. Other than a few more things that's about it. The rest are also in this folder, so you can view it later." Amy handed Nick a folder that had the reports he was just told and then some for the others.

"Okay, thanks for the briefing over our operations I'll look over the rest later. I want to know if you have found any information on the 'Eight'?"

Amy nodded and handed over a separate folder that seemed more important than the last.

"If I may ask, Why are you looking for these children that are mostly around the age of 14, with an exception of one of them being 12 right now?"

"I'm just preparing for the future and I believe these children will grow to become very important in the future. Now these 'Eight are to remind a secret as we don't need to endanger these kids while they grow up. Well except for one, this Jaune Arc will be needing a bit more help compared to the other 7 seven we've seen."

"Why's that?"

"Looking through this it says he doesn't have a shred of combat training or experience, so I think we can set something up to train him a bit."

"I got an idea. Why don't we send out invites to the families and invite them for a tour? Though I don't think we should invite Mr. Schnee. With a little effort, we can send the invite to Winter Schnee as she's in her late teens or early twentieth. She can bring her little sister if she accepts the invitation."

Nick thought for a moment before giving Amy the go-ahead for the invites.

"One more thing Amy before you go, I need someone to set up a position for a bodyguard for me. I'm doing an old friend a favor by giving her a job, but she lacks some combat training compare to more veteran huntsmen. Ask some of the more trained mercenaries to help train her. We also need a mercenary to see how trained the kids are. That's all for now."

Amy nodded and started giving orders and preparing with her team for the plans ahead.

"I only know about these kids a little so this is the best to see how they truly are. They're kids so what's the worst that can happen?"