-With that explosion, Nick knew that a mess was just made. After the explosion, everyone was quiet. With nothing to do and the guest confused about what just happened, Nick turned around to address the group.
"It seems we are facing some difficulties as our Chief and Head of Dust Research did another experiment with some dust. You can see the results. We can still go over the Dust Department but with the research lab in ruins... again. We'll have to skim over the details of the research."
The doors of the building opened up with a figure emerging from the smoke. The figure was in a lab coat and a gas mask over his face. The figure started taking off the gas mask to reveal an older gentleman with an ecstatic expression.
"I see you're doing fine Chief Bane. Was the explosion your doing?"
"Ehh... Yeah, that was me...my bad. I was looking more into how potent I could make it and I found the limit."
"I'm glad you found some results in the research but please wait until after we've done with the tour. You are also the one to show our guest here, around the department."
Chief Bane leaned over a bit and saw the group of people getting out of the Limousine and realized that he had forgotten about the tour entirely.
"Oh oh oh... My bad, I forgot we were having the tour today of all times. I'll get right to it, but I am gonna need a few minutes to clean the lab."
"Don't worry about cleaning the lab right now. You can tell them some details of the research but not too much as this is still a company secret."
"Understood, sir."
Chief Bane gave some orders to close the lab off for the time being and have someone clean it while they show the guest around. Once inside, what everyone could see was little machinery and most workers craving the dust by hand. The machines were used for what couldn't be done by hands.
Chief Bane started lecturing over how everything they did when using dust. After, he explained all the more normal parts of the department, then did he start on the research.
"Now onto some details over the research, we have found. Dust, if mixed with the right materials, has a healing agent that can work on the all basic to almost all the more serious physical injuries. We are still testing to see if it works on diseases and sicknesses but that's all I'm allowed to say about anything we've learned. Does anyone have questions?"
Weiss raised her hand to gain Chief Bane's attention.
"Were you ever gonna release this information to the public?"
Chief Banes smiled.
"That's a great question, and yes we were but after some more testing to ensure it's safe to use on diseases or sicknesses as physical injuries are fine."
An employee walked over with a tray of dust crystals. Nick followed shortly behind the worker.
"Now it's time for gifts, this time anyone who wants to can get one. We have a tray here of some dust crystals and anyone can pick one for an employee to crave it into any shape you ask. Try to stay within reason as we are not a professional craving company."
Everyone was hyped for a craved dust crystal. Weiss, Winter, and Whitley got their names carved into a decorative white craved dust crystal. Ruby got her name and someone else's name on a decorative red dust crystal. Tai and Yang did the same as Ruby, but they used a yellow dust crystal for their names. Blake and her mother got dark purple dust crystals with their names as there wasn't a black one. Ren got a green one and Nora a pink one. The Arcs picked out a yellow dust crystal for each member. The Nikos pair got red decorative ones with their names.
When everyone was happy with dust crystals, Nick approached from the side.
"Seeing that everyone looks content with their gifts. I'll go ahead and say we are now going to the next department and maybe the last for this tour as we have way too many to go through in one go or let anyone know of."
The adults nodded and some kids cheered as they walked back to the limousine for one final ride. Sitting down in his seat for the final time, Nick leaned back into his seat.
'I'm bringing Liz for this next time after she's done training.'
The limousine was noisy as it was nearing the end of the tour and everyone was discussing various topics about the tour or not.
"Uhh Hmmm... Now that we are going to the next department. This department might be less...interesting. We are heading to the Construction/Engineer Department. It's one of our core departments for everything."
Kali Belladonna spoke up.
"Is there a reason that this 'department' is a mix of construction and engineers?"
"Yes actually, The main part of the department is the construction, but we have engineers there that specialized in construction and machinery. They can switch between departments to help the other but ultimately they belong to construction. Oh, we're have arrived, I think the department invented something based off of some of my father's works. If it works, I can see if some of you can get a ride."
Once the Limousine stopped in front of the building, a testing field could be seen to its direct left. A bunch of people were crowding around as a mech on two legs moved about. If anyone wanted to compare it to something, then Nick would compare it to the show his father watched. His father called it, Star Wars and it was amazing to watch it with him. In honor of his father, he made a dream of his come true. He had some of the technology made from the movie series.
"Wow, what is that machine?!" Ruby got excited by the sight of the mech.
"That would be the machine, the department is working on. It called an AT-ST, a machine that's gonna be modeled for many different uses. Such as scouting, defense, construction and some more."
Everyone was in awe of the AT-ST, even the employees that help create it. This kind of technology had many uses and Bear Corp had a complete monopoly over it.
As everyone watched the AT-ST, Amy whispered into Nick's ear.
"It seems that the Chief of this department is out today from an unforeseen sickness. Our Vice Chief with be filling his place for the day. He's a personal friend of mine and here he comes."
From a distant, everyone could see a man approaching them from the testing field. It was Max, Liz's father. Liz was behind him, for she was helping him as she tagged along.
"Hey Max, I see you brought Liz along."
"Yeah, I needed some help with a few things here and there. So after, Liz finished training with the mercenaries I picked her up to help out."
Nick looked over to Liz and saw she was being oddly quiet for how she usually is, something's up. Her line of sight was towards the group of guests. Looking in the direction where she was staring, Nick spotted Pyrrha watching the AT-ST like everybody else.
'I hope my friend doesn't end up like I'm thinking.'