Chapter 1: The Abyss

"Why do people die?" She asks herself as she looks over the barren wasteland that she calls her home. "Why do people get sad? Why are there people who crave destruction and death?"

The mysterious woman steps forward. She lifelessly drags her whole body towards the end of a cliff. Looking at the world around her. Wondering why she's here.

"Why do people want to live, if they don't want to accept death?" She again asks herself as she looks at the spiked terrain below her. "It's because they want to live. Yet here we are. The afterlife isn't as bright than people think it would be."

She looks back at the darkness, wondering what she will hear now. She steps closer to listen as she hears waves of screams. The woman braces herself as with every step she takes towards the darkness the screams become louder and more high-pitched. She can hear it all, all the screams from the world under and the world in between. She starts shaking as she falls to her knees.

"STOP IT PLEASE!" She yells in pain as the screams quiet down, but still continue in her head. "So much death, so much sadness." She says faintly.

She looks back and drags herself back to the cliff as the spiked terrain now vanish and fade away into the abyss. She stares into the abyss and stands.

"No more pain." She says as she jumps into the abyss, crash landing into the jagged rocks impaling her all over her body.

She gets back up unscathed. Pulling out all of the rocks out of her body as she heals all over. She then walks back up the mountain as if nothing ever touched her, and sits back down near the cliff.

"My name is Achlys, the goddess of sadness and misery." She says while the darkness fades away in the background as light breaks through. "Welcome to my personal hell known as heaven."