Chapter 10: Battle Of Gods

"Zeus you idiot!" Achlys yells as Zeus plunges towards Max. Max puts up a shield to protect him and Achlys.

"Are you alright Achlys?" Max asks with no response back. He steps in front of her and looks back up at Zeus. "It's been centuries since I had a good workout, Zeus. I suggest you don't ruin this for me."

"I'm only here to help a friend old man." Zeus says as sparks fly around him. "Get out of the way or die."

"I gave you those powers boy." Max says as he flies up to Zeus. "Don't make me take them away."

"You're welcome to try." Zeus says as he fires a lightning blast. Sending Max to the ground.

"Foolish kid." Max says as he teleports back to Zeus and uses his staff to strike Zeus in the stomach and blasts him backwards.

"Urgh. Men! Take him down!" Suddenly guards fly towards Max. Unphased Max lifts up his arm, puts it forwards, and the guards vanish one by one. Zeus rockets towards him. "What did you do to them?"

"You sent your guards to die, so I saved them." Max says as he goes strike for strike with Zeus.

"You better make this interesting Zeus. I'm getting bored."

"Shut it old man!" Zeus yells as he uses his lightning to blast Max into the mountainside.

"Okay, I'm starting to miss the formalities with Odin now." He says as he flies back to Zeus. "Do you seriously not know who I am Zeus?"

"You're nothing compared to me." Zeus says being cocky. "Give up."

"Too bad." Max sighs as blue energy starts to burst out of Zeus, as Zeus screams in pain.

"Achlys what's going on." Odin runs towards Achlys. "I heard screams are you alright?"

"What's he doing to him?" Achlys asks Odin.

"I don't know. I've never seen him like this." Odin says terrified, as Zeus continues to scream in pain.

"Stop it please." Zeus begs in pain. "What are you?"

"Your creator." Max says as the blue energy is gathered on Max's staff. As Zeus is about to fall, Max grabs him by the collar. "By the way, not a fan of the sending random people to hell thing."

"Where are my powers?" Zeus says as he starts waving his hands around. "No no no! What did you do?"

"I told you, Zeus." Max says as he opens a portal to hell, as Zeus looks down.

"No please I beg of you, don't do this to me." Zeus pleads.

"Take this as karma Zeus. I gave you your powers." Max lets go of him as he falls.

"NOOO!" Zeus screams as he falls, the portal closes.

"I can also take them away."